Best time to travel to Norway

Great Snipe in Norway

Eager males attract females' attention performing a polyphonic mating song

Best time: mid-May to mid-June

Great Snipe

Great Snipe males are amusing while performing their mating rituals. The show begins at the sunset when the groups of stocky waders gather on leks or breeding arenas, located in marshes and wet meadows. A Snipe obtains an erect pose, puffs its chest, fans out its tail, and starts its mating song represented by a series of rising and falling chirping and clicking sounds that can be heard at more than 300 m. Eager male snipes rattle, buzz, whistle, and even jump to attract females. Similar spectacles take place at night between mid-May and mid-June. Plenty of snipes may be observed at a traditional lek site around Levanger, near the Trondheimsfjord.

Practical info

When is the optimal season to observe the Great Snipes' mating ritual in Norway?

The mating ritual of the Great Snipes occurs between mid-May and mid-June in Norway, which is the ideal season for witnessing this show. During this period, the breeding leks become active, and males perform their mating songs to attract females. If you want to witness this event firsthand, marshes or wet meadows are your best bets and the prime time to observe them is at dawn or sunset. Show more

What are some of the locations for observing the Great Snipes' performance in Norway?

Norway offers several places to observe the Great Snipes' performance. One of the traditional breeding lek sites is in Levanger near Trondheimsfjord in Norway. You can also consider Høylandet and Steinkjer municipalities breeding leks. However, exercising caution is advised while observing them since they are wary and cautious birds. Show more

What types of sounds do male Snipes make during the mating ritual?

During the Great Snipes' mating ritual, males make polyphonic sounds such as clicks, buzzes, and chirps to attract their female counterparts. Accompanied by erect posture, chest puffing, and tail fanning, the chirping and clicking represent a sequence of rising and falling sounds, heard at more than 300 meters away. During mid-May to mid-June, you can enjoy watching the playful mating dance of Snipes in Norway. Show more

What distance can I hear Great Snipes' mating song from?

The Great Snipes' mating song can be heard at some distance, more than 300 meters to be precise as males create a series of rising and falling chirping and clicking sounds. The low-frequency polyphonic sounds, accompanied by a display of jumping in the air, rattling or whistling, are stunning to observe. Therefore, you can easily witness the amusing display of the Great Snipes' mating ritual between mid-May to mid-June in Norway. Show more

Apart from Great Snipes, what other bird species are observable in Norway during mid-May and mid-June?

Norway has abundant bird species that you can witness during mid-May and mid-June. Some of the birds that you can observe are White-tailed Eagles, Gyr Falcons, and Grey Herons in Norway's coastal regions. Moreover, bird lovers can witness Red-throated Loon, Common Snipe, Eurasian Oystercatcher, Tufted Duck, Willow Ptarmigan, and European Golden Plover. When you visit Norway during mid-May to mid-June, witnessing several bird species besides Great Snipes is an opportunity not to be missed. Show more

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Authors: Olha Savych