Best time to travel to Patagonia

Lady's Slipper in Patagonia

One of the most tender flowers of Patagonia

Best time: November–mid-December

Lady's Slipper
Lady's Slipper
Lady's Slipper
Lady's Slipper
Lady's Slipper

Lady's Slipper is also known as Calceolaria uniflora or Darwin's slipper. There is also a "sister" flower—Calceolaria biflora, also yellow and tender. Calceolaria means "little shoe" as the flowers resemble slippers. These unusual flowers appear when the temperature rises. It was discovered by Charles Darwin during his trip around South America. The flowers have a unique shape looking like little orange penguins on rocks.

This perennial plant originates from Tierra del Fuego and feels great in a cool Patagonian climate. You might have to look hard to find it in Tierra del Fuego though. Meanwhile, it's really abundant in Torres del Paine National park during late spring or early summer.

Lady's slipper is a mountain plant growing only up to 10 cm in height. The flowers are a mix of yellow, white and brownish red. They commonly add a burst of color along the hiking trails of Torres del Paine sometimes growing to a small colony. Local birds often eat the lower white part of the flower and that's how it gets pollinated!

Practical info

When is the best time to see Lady's Slipper in Patagonia?

Lady's Slipper blooms and adds color to the hiking trails of Torres del Paine National Park from November until mid-December. It is not uncommon to spot them at other times, though they are less frequent outside of late spring and early summer. Lady's Slipper is a delicate flower that is a pleasure to observe amidst the rugged landscapes of Patagonia. Show more

Where can I find Lady's Slipper in Patagonia?

Late spring or early summer is the best time to find Lady's Slipper in Torres del Paine National Park, where it grows along hiking trails and occasionally in small colonies. While native to Tierra del Fuego, Lady's Slipper may still be found outside of the National Park, though spotting it may be challenging. Its colorful display makes the search worthwhile, and the plant is a joy to see in its natural environment. Show more

How did Lady's Slipper get its name?

The Latin name for Lady's Slipper, Calceolaria uniflora, means 'little shoe' and references the slipper-like shape of its flowers. Blooming in a mix of yellow, white, and brownish red colors, Lady's Slipper's unique flowers resemble little orange penguins on rocks. This mountain plant is a delight to witness in its natural habitat at up to 10 cm in height, and is also known as Darwin's slipper. Show more

How tall does Lady's Slipper grow?

With a maximum height of only 10 cm, Lady's Slipper is a small mountain plant with flowers located on stems above a rosette of leaves. It is a hardy perennial that thrives in a cool Patagonian climate and is often seen along hiking trails in Torres del Paine National Park. Despite its diminutive size, Lady's Slipper is an eye-catching and delicate flower that provides a touch of beauty to the rugged Patagonian landscape. Show more

Which bird pollinates Lady's Slipper in Torres del Paine?

The lower white part of Lady's Slipper flowers is often eaten by local birds in Torres del Paine National Park, which helps to pollinate the plant. These charming flowers display a mix of yellow, white, and brownish red colors and stand out along hiking trails as a unique highlight of the natural environment. Lady's Slipper is a fascinating and visually striking flower that adds beauty and color to the rugged terrain of Patagonia. Show more

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Authors: Olha Savych