Best time to travel to Texas

Blooming Cactuses in Texas

The arid scenery of West Texas comes alive with unexpectedly colorful blooms

Best time: April–early June

Blooming Cactuses
Blooming Cactuses
Blooming Cactuses
A prickly pear cactus on Highway 170 in West Texas

Cactuses are beautiful all year round. However, in the spring they can surprise us with lavish yellow, red and pink blooms that look simply amazing. From Hill Country to Western deserts, these native plants of Texas start to burst with colors in April and stay beautiful through May or sometimes even in June if they are lucky to get some rain.

Prickly pear or the yellow rose of Texas is perhaps the most recognizable of all local cacti. The state plant grows all over the Hill Country and especially in the Highland Lakes region. It's also abundant in the south-western part of the state. It usually blooms with yellow, yellow-orange, and sometimes even red and white flowers. Prickly pear cactus is not only beautiful but also edible. A staple of Southwestern cuisine can be consumed raw or boiled to make juice, jelly, or even wine.

Horse crippler or echinocactus texensis is a large round cactus that is about 12 inches (30 cm) in diameter. It is known for surprisingly gentle pink or peach blooms that usually appear in the late spring. Hedgehog cactus, also known as echinocereus triglochidiatus, is a popular variety that many people grow in their homes. It blooms in late May or early June with fiery red or pink flowers. A small nipple cactus or the pineapple cactus is just 6 inches (15 cm) wide. It's an early bloomer that shows off a large single yellow flower in March. This species is common for the whole state, from north to south. Yucca cacti can be also seen everywhere in Texas, especially when they bloom with tall clusters of cream flowers in May.

Cholla is another beautiful cactus that looks more like a tree and can reach 8ft (2.4 m) in height. It's common for West Texas and blooms with perfect hot pink flowers in May and early June.

The Big Bend National Park is the best place to spot blooming cactuses in West Texas. The area by the Rio Grande gets especially scenic in the spring. Guadalupe Mountains National Park is another excellent spot. You can also find an abundance of native plants at Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center in Austin.

Practical info

When is the best time to see blooming cactuses in Texas?

Cactuses start bursting with colors in Texas, usually from April to early June. These flowers of yellow, red, or pink color create a beautiful display. Some species start blooming a little earlier, such as the nipple cactus that blooms in March. Some species can bloom until June with some rainfall if they are lucky. Show more

Where is the best place to spot cactus blooms in West Texas?

West Texas has many spots to spot blooming cactuses. Big Bend National Park and Guadalupe Mountains National Park offer great views. For an abundance of native plants, visitors can check out the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center in Austin. Texas has cactuses all around the state in their natural habitat. Show more

What are some popular types of cactuses that bloom in Texas?

Prickly pear, horse crippler, hedgehog, cholla, and yucca are some of the popular cactuses that bloom in Texas. Prickly pear cactus grows all over the state and blossoms with yellow, yellow-orange, and sometimes even red and white flowers. Horse crippler usually blooms with gentle pink or peach blossoms that appear in late spring. Cholla cactus blooms with hot pink flowers in May and early June. Show more

When do hedgehog cactuses typically bloom in Texas?

Hedgehog cactuses in Texas typically bloom with fiery red or pink flowers in late May or early June. They are beautiful but still prickly like other species of cactuses. Many people choose to grow the hedgehog cactuses in their homes. Show more

Can prickly pear cactus be eaten, and what are some common uses for it?

Aside from being beautiful, prickly pear cactus is also edible. It is a staple in Southwestern cuisine and, it can be eaten raw or boiled to make juice, jelly, or wine. Another popular use for the prickly pear cactus is margaritas. Prickly pear cactus is also known to have health benefits such as being a remedy for diabetes, high cholesterol, inflammation, among others. Show more

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