
Best time to travel to Yellowstone National Park

Birdwatching in Yellowstone National Park 2024

This park is a good place to see water birds, migrating species, and birds of prey

Best time: mid-May–October

Osprey hunting fish over the Firehole River
Watching for wildlife, Lamar Valley
Sandhill crane
Bald eagle in a tree near bison carcass
Male and female Harlequin ducks
Bohemian waxwing, Bunsen Peak
Mountain chickadee

Even if you are not a birdwatcher, hiking around the beautiful park you will undoubtedly see various bird species. Wetlands and coastal areas, especially those covered with willows, aspen, and cottonwoods attract the largest number of different bird species.

One of the best places to observe water birds and birds of prey is Hayden Valley. Here you can see sandhill cranes nesting in this area. Along the river, you can find lots of ducks, geese, and American white pelicans, bald eagles and osprey hunting for fish, and northern harriers trying to catch some rodents.

Other good spots are Blacktail Pond, Floating Lake Island, and the Madison River. The best birdwatching season may be spring, as during this period birds are very active and lots of migrating species come back from their winter journeys. You can find them in their best plumage, singing and attracting mates. Then, they search the best place for nesting and defend their territories from others. From mid-May until early July you can easily meet a large number of birds during your morning walks. Starting from August and till October birds migrate and this is also a good time for seeing various species.

In early November you can find the tundra swans on the water bodies. Those that stay in the park year round include common raven, Canada goose, trumpeter swan, dusky grouse (formerly blue grouse), gray jay, red-breasted nuthatch, American dipper, and mountain chickadee. There are also a few species that come here for the winter, such as common goldeneyes, bohemian waxwings, and rough-legged hawks.

Practical info

What is the recommended period for birdwatching in Yellowstone National Park?

From mid-May to October is the ideal birdwatching period in Yellowstone National Park. This time is perfect to observe birds in their best plumage and active behavior. Many migrating species come back during spring and search for the best territory to nest and defend. August to October is also a good period to witness a variety of bird species since birds migrate during this season.

Which areas are the most appropriate for birdwatching in Yellowstone National Park?

Hayden Valley, Blacktail Pond, Floating Lake Island, and the Madison River are the best sites for birdwatching in Yellowstone National Park. Eagles, osprey, sandhill cranes, and water birds are common in Hayden Valley. The river attracts ducks, geese, and American white pelicans. Willow, aspen, and cottonwood areas cover the other regions, attracting a significant number of bird species.

What kind of bird species inhabit Yellowstone National Park?

Yellowstone National Park houses multiple bird species. Common raven, Canada goose, trumpeter swan, dusky grouse, gray jay, red-breasted nuthatch, American dipper, and mountain chickadee are the year-round bird species. Winter brings common goldeneyes, bohemian waxwings, and rough-legged hawks. Visitors can witness water birds, birds of prey and migrating species throughout the park. Willows, aspen, and cottonwoods' wet and coastal areas offer a wide array of bird species.

What is the activity level of birds in the birdwatching season in Yellowstone National Park?

The birdwatching season in Yellowstone National Park is an active bird observer’s paradise. Flocks of migrating species return during the spring, singing and flaunting their best feathers to attract mates. Mating birds then search for a territory suitable for nesting, and they safeguard it against rivals. If you go for a morning walk between May and July, you can spot a large number of birds. Though less active than in spring, the birds' activity level is still high in August until they migrate.

Do particular bird species reside in Yellowstone National Park in certain months?

Yellowstone National Park welcomes specific bird species during particular months of the year. Tundra swans populate water places from early November, while common goldeneyes, bohemian waxwings, and rough-legged hawks move to the park in winter. Birdwatchers can witness vibrant flocks and active bird behavior throughout spring. During summer, the river hosts numerous ducks, geese, and American white pelicans. Finally, Hayden Valley is a summer nesting habitat for sandhill cranes.

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