Best time to visit Alaska

Big Game Hunting in Alaska

Hunting in Alaska is a challenging and sometimes even dangerous activity

Best time: August–October

For those who are brave enough to face wild nature, Alaska offers something special. Moose, caribou, wolves, and even bears—you can try to hunt them here. Take a hunting tour with an experienced guide to make your trip sa​fer. Hunting season in Alaska ​usually lasts between August and October, consider the time while planning your trip.

Practical info

When should I plan to hunt in Alaska?

To increase your chances of a successful hunt in Alaska, it's recommended to plan your trip during the months of August to October when animals are more active. While this is the best time to hunt, it's important to keep in mind that the weather can be unpredictable and harsh. Therefore, it is important to prepare properly for the trip and be equipped with the necessary gear and clothing to ensure safety and comfort. Show more

How can I find a reputable hunting guide in Alaska?

Alaska has numerous hunting tour operators that offer experienced guides to ensure safety during hunting trips. An online search can provide a list of highly rated operators, though the Alaska Department of Fish and Game is also a good resource for finding a recommended guide. Careful research should be done prior to booking guides or operators to ensure they are licensed and have a good safety record. Show more

What wildlife can be hunted in Alaska?

Alaska boasts a rich wildlife population and offers numerous big game hunting opportunities. Some of the animals that can be hunted include moose, caribou, black and brown bears, wolves, Dall sheep, and mountain goats. It's important to be aware of hunting regulations and different hunting seasons and bag limits, which vary according to the specific animal, before planning a hunting trip. Show more

What can I do to ensure my safety while hunting in Alaska?

Hunting in Alaska can be dangerous, and it is essential to observe safety precautions. Having a licensed guide with experience in Alaskan terrain and native animals is crucial. It's important to bring a reliable communication device, such as a satellite phone or emergency beacon. Additionally, proper gear and clothing should be worn to ensure comfort and safety in the harsh weather conditions and terrain. Show more

What do I need to hunt in Alaska?

To hunt in Alaska, you must obtain a hunting license and special permits, depending on the specific animal you intend to hunt. Non-residents may have to apply for certain permits via a lottery system. It's important to check with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game for the required permits, as well as hunting regulations and bag limits. Additional permits may be required for hunting in certain areas, such as federal lands. Show more

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