Best time to go to Puerto Rico

Día de Reyes 2025

One of the most colorful holidays in Puerto Rico is especially anticipated by children

Dates: January 6

Día de Reyes
Los Tres Santos Reyes de Juana Diaz
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On the eve of Día de Reyes, Puerto Rican kids cut some grass and put it in a box under their bed. By the morning of January 6th, the grass magically turns into presents. Día de Reyes, also called Three Kings Day or Epiphany, is almost as important as Christmas and is widely celebrated in Puerto Rico.

Dia de Reyes is considered the oldest religious festival in Puerto Rico and perhaps even in the whole Central America. It commemorates the episode from the Bible when three Magi or Three Wise Men visited newborn Jesus after his birth. On this day, the festivities and parades are held throughout the whole Puerto Rico. However, the most massive celebration takes place in Juana Díaz.

Magi parade in this southern town has over 135 years of history. Fiesta de Reyes was initiated in 1884 by a Spanish priest Father Valentín Echevarría. The costumed parade featured kings, shepherds, and common people. The ancient village tradition was revived in 1985 and has become one of the most popular modern events in Puerto Rico. At present, Dia de Reyes in Juana Díaz attracts over 25,000 people annually. Juana Diaz also features the world's only thematic museum of the Three Kings showcasing its century-old tradition.

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