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Charlotte Comicon 2023

A one-day family-friendly comic and toy show

Dates: December 10, 2023

Charlotte Comicon is a one-day comic convention, which is held three times per year: in the spring, summer, and winter. Numerous fans are attracted by the opportunity to socialize with actors, artists, writers, and comics creators. Visitors can meet celebrities like Grebo Watson, Andy Smith, Budd Root, John Hitchcock, Nicole Smith, David Sorenson, Jason Graves, John Wycough, Johndell Snead, Chris McJunkin, and Kayla Leonard.

Charlotte Comicon features dozens of North Carolina comic and toy shop vendors who offer various merchandise, collectibles, toys, apparel, books, and video games over 28,000 square feet at Embassy Suites Concord Convention Center.

Cosplay is a big part of Charlotte Comicon. The costume contest is held in multiple divisions so that all ages can compete. Participants can register on-site to learn about the divisions, judging, and a time schedule. Charlotte Comicon runs from 10 am to 5 pm (Charlotte Comicon Winter Show runs from 5 pm to 12 am). General admission is $5. Children under 12 can get in for free.

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