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Pikes Peak International Hill Climb 2025 à Colorado

Une course passionnante au sommet d'un quatorzenaire légendaire du Colorado

Rendez-vous: 20 juin 2025

Le Pikes Peak International Hill Climb, également appelé The Race to the Clouds, est une ascension annuelle de voiture et de moto au sommet de Pikes Peak dans le Colorado. Il se déroule en été depuis 1916. La route pavée est de 12,42 miles (environ 20 km) et est très courbée – elle a plus de 150 virages. Le gain d'élévation est de 4 720 pi (1 440 m). La montée commence au point milliaire 7 sur la route Pikes Peak et se termine à une altitude de 14 110 pi (4 300 m) sur le sommet de Pikes Peak.

The Race features about 130 participants: cars, trucks, quads, and motorcycles. Practice takes place Tuesday–Friday before Race Day from 5 am to 8:30 am. The hillclimb is divided into three sections: from the Start Line to Glen Cove, from Glen Cove to Devils Playground, and from Devils Playground to the Summit. The Race starts at 7:30 am on June 23. Following the Race's conclusion, spectators will have the opportunity to stand outside the fences, albeit at their own risk, to enjoy the Parade of Champions. The "King of the Mountain" title is awarded to the driver who achieves the fastest overall time each year.

Fan Fest, a vibrant street festival, kicks off on the Friday evening before Race Day, drawing over 35,000 enthusiastic attendees across 10 blocks of excitement. At Fan Fest, you'll have the chance to meet and mingle with drivers, engage with top sponsors, and marvel at thrilling stunts during the FMX Show. Mark your calendars for this thrilling event on June 21, 2024, from 5 pm to 9 pm, right in the heart of Downtown Colorado Springs.

Race Day Tickets are sold by spectator area. Singe ticket for viewing the race from Turn 1 Viewing is $90/person. "Family Pack" tickets are based on the total number of attendees in a vehicle and location and start at $170 for a family of two and go up to $300 for a family of eight. The 9 Mile, Halfway Picnic Grounds, ski area, Glen Cove, and Cove Creek viewing point prices are $100 per person and $190-$350 for family packages. Devil Playground Viewing Point's prices are $150 per person and $280–$500 for family packages. Motorcycle tickets are $45–$140 per person. Practice Day Tickets are $85-$115. Camping Permits are $300 per vehicle. Kids under ten don't require a race ticket.

La course compte environ 130 participants : voitures, camions, quads et motos. Le premier Pikes Peak International Hill Climb a été organisé par Spencer Penrose, et le premier vainqueur Rea Lentz a parcouru la piste en environ 20 minutes. En 1971, la course a été remportée par la première voiture non-essence, courant sur le propane. Les voitures électriques participent à la course depuis les années 1980. Les spectateurs doivent observer la course uniquement à partir des zones d'observation désignées. N'oubliez pas que c'est une course dangereuse, et tous les spectateurs assistent à leurs propres risques.

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