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St. George Marathon 2024 em Utah

Classificado nas 20 melhores maratonas nos EUA. e entre as maratonas mais rápidas e cênicas do mundo

Datas: 7 de outubro de 2023

St. George Marathon começa nas pitorescas montanhas do Vale do Pine a uma altitude de 1.598 m e leva os corredores para baixo 792 m através da bela paisagem do sudoeste de Utah para Worthen Park. Os participantes podem desfrutar das belas formações de areia branca, rosa e vermelha, bem como basalto escuro no Snow Canyon State Park

Esta maratona é classificada em uma das dez maratonas mais cênicas e mais rápidas pelo Mundo do Runner. É também a 13a maior maratona dos Estados Unidos. Os participantes da cadeira de rodas começam primeiro às 6:40 AM, os corredores iniciam o segundo às 6:45 AM. Os corredores devem completar a corrida dentro de seis horas.

A corrida tem lugar no primeiro sábado de outubro. A inscrição abre no início da primavera e permanece aberta até o final de junho ou até que o número necessário de corredores seja atingido. A maratona geralmente acomoda 7.400 corredores. Se o número de inscritos for maior do que admissível, os participantes são escolhidos por loteria aleatória.

Participants are invited to the St. George 5K on October 4 from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm at the Dixie Convention Center. This event offers a chance to join the festivities without the need to run the full 26.2 miles. Those who complete both the 5K and either the Marathon or Half Marathon will earn the special Desert Double medal. Following the race, attendees can enjoy the Party in the Park, which runs until 8 pm. This family-friendly event features music, dancing, prizes, bounce houses, and more. The fee for participating in the 5K is $65.

The 38th Annual Mayor's Walk, hosted by the St. George Exchange Club, invites everyone to participate in a memorable part of the St. George Marathon experience. Join Mayor Michele Randall, along with business associates, schoolmates, friends, and family, for a scenic walk to the finish line. The walk will commence on Saturday at 7 am from the parking lot of the Washington County School District office. Participants will head east on Tabernacle, proceed to Main Street, continue down to 300 South, and cross the finish line at Vernon Worthen Park (350 E 300 S). The fee for the Mayor's Walk is $15.

The Fun Run Walk N' Roll is set for October 4 from 6:30 pm to 8 pm at the Dixie Convention Center. The event features two divisions: the Kids Division, for ages 2-18, with 1-mile and 200-meter distances, and the Adaptive Division, which welcomes participants of all ages with disabilities. In the Adaptive Division, each participant must be accompanied by a supporter without disabilities, with an option to register an additional supporter for an extra fee. Parents are encouraged to cheer from the sidelines in the Kids Division, while staff will assist younger participants at the finish line. The fee for the Fun Run Walk N' Roll is $15.

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