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Torre Hamlets fuochi d'artificio al Victoria Park 2024, Londra

Uno spettacolare spettacolo sulla notte del fuoco a Londra

Date: 2023

Ogni anno, verso le 19:00. fuochi d'artificio illuminano il cielo notturno sopra Tower Hamlets in Victoria Park. Il grande display ha ogni volta un tema diverso, dedicato a opere letterarie o eventi storici e personalità, come il Grande Fuoco di Londra o Frankenstein. I fuochi d'artificio sono organizzati dal quartiere londinese di Tower Hamlet e creati da una compagnia di teatro pirotecnico e outdoor, Walk the Plank, conosciuta per i loro arrangiamenti narrativi.

Cibo e bevande sono disponibili nel parco dalle 17.30. Dalle ore 21 alle ore 21. per tenere gli spettatori caldi durante l'esposizione.

The fireworks were organized by the London Borough of Tower Hamlet and created by a pyrotechnical and outdoor theatre company, Walk the Plank, known for their storytelling arrangements.

The Victoria Park fireworks display has been canceled for 2024, following a pattern of cancellations since 2020. The event was called off in 2020 due to the pandemic and concerns about large gatherings, and in the years following, cancellations were linked to budget cuts after the financial strain caused by the pandemic​. Although there is no specific reason given for the 2024 cancellation, similar budget constraints have led to the discontinuation of the event in recent years.

The fireworks displays, held around November 5 each year, have historically drawn large crowds, attracting thousands of spectators. Their popularity stemmed from being one of the few remaining free fireworks events in London.

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