Montgolfiades de Thouars 2024 in France
Die jährliche Ballonfahrt in Thouars findet am ersten Herbstwochenende statt
Termine: 30. August–1. September 2024
Montgolfiades ist ein jährlich stattfindendes Ballonfestival in Thouars. Die beliebte Veranstaltung versammelt 15.000 Besucher über drei Tage. Thouars liegt im Département Deux-Sèvres in Westfrankreich. Der Montgolfiades de Thouars findet in der Regel an einem Wochenende Anfang September statt. Etwa 40 Heißluftballons erheben sich am Himmel über Hippodrome de Thouars.
Initiiert im Jahr 2009, Montgolfiade de Thouars bietet Ballonflüge in den Morgen und Abende zur Freude von Jung und Alt gleichermaßen. Die Montgolfiade bietet auch verschiedene Aktivitäten am Wochenende auf dem Boden und in der Luft.
The Montgolfiade provides a diverse range of activities throughout the weekend on the ground. Dedicated teams of volunteers orchestrate a variety of complimentary events, such as animation, cycling, and walking tours, firefighters animation, an obstacle course, Durandal Circus School, Zumba classes, a Kite festival, a garage sale, a Montgolfiade market, wooden games, and an engaging activity trail, along with country animation and oriental dance performances. Additionally, attendees can enjoy on-site dining options, including fast food and ice cream stands.
The event caters to children with a wide range of activities. This includes mini-balloon releases specifically designed for children, inflatable castles, face painting, pony rides, amusement rides, and fishing opportunities. Additionally, the Les Boulangers des Deux-Sèvres stand offers children's entertainment. A children's carousel and various other games are also available for their enjoyment.
Located in the Deux-Sèvres department in western France, Thouars sees approximately 40 hot air balloons ascend into the sky above the Hippodrome de Thouars, situated 3 miles (5 km) from Trouars. Parking and admission are both complimentary.