
Melhor altura para visitar Cabo San Lucas

Observação de baleias em Cabo San Lucas 2024-2025

A alta temporada não só para turistas, mas também para coxos

Melhor altura: Meados de dezembro a meados de abril

Todos os anos, milhares de baleias cambaleantes deixam suas áreas de alimentação no Alasca e na Colúmbia Britânica em favor da quente Baja California Sur. Passam quase dois meses em sua viagem, atravessando quase 9.660 quilômetros para chegar a Cabo San Lucas, onde acasalam e dão à luz.

Excursões de observação de baleias em Cabo San Lucas

Você vai encontrar muitos operadores em Cabo San Lucas oferecendo passeios de observação de baleias. A hora do dia importa: as viagens de manhã são adequadas para pessoas com enjoo de movimento ou famílias com crianças, como a água é geralmente mais calma durante as primeiras horas, e o passeio será mais suave. Haverá alguma atividade matinal, como a alimentação. No entanto, as baleias tendem a ser mais ativas à tarde e à noite quando as ondas ficam mais ásperas. Embora a maioria das baleias que você encontra em suas excursões de observação de baleias serão jorobadas, ocasionalmente, você também vai ver um par de baleias cinzentas. Este último aparece frequentemente na Baía de Magdalena, perto de Los Cabos.

Note que a observação de baleias em Cabo coincide com a alta temporada turística. Assim, os preços serão acima da média. No entanto, tirar férias durante esta época do ano promete tornar-se uma memória de toda a vida.

Humpback whales are the most frequently spotted around Los Cabos, making it highly likely to witness one during peak season. Humpback whales undertake one of the longest migrations of any mammal, covering vast distances each year. Some populations travel as far as 6,000 miles, moving from tropical breeding grounds to colder, nutrient-rich feeding areas. Their diet consists of krill and small fish, which they consume by filtering large amounts of ocean water through their baleen plates, functioning like a sieve. These whales are known for their playful displays, often seen with calves engaging in acrobatic behaviors like breaching and tail slapping. Humpback sightings are common from December to April around Cabo San Lucas.

Gray whales are another frequently sighted species in Magdalena Bay, near Los Cabos. These whales often stay close to shore, offering a chance to spot them without venturing onto the water, though whale watching from a boat is the most rewarding experience. Known for their curiosity and friendly nature, gray whales can grow up to 49 feet (14.9 m) long as adults. Interactions with these magnificent creatures are possible from January to April.

Less commonly spotted whales in the Cabo area include orcas (killer whales), blue whales, and fin whales. These marine mammals are typically just passing through during their migration in search of food, rather than residing in the region. Sperm whales, particularly females and their calves are occasionally seen offshore in Cabo waters as well.

You'll find plenty of operators in Cabo San Lucas offering whale-watching tours. The time of day matters: morning trips are suitable for people with motion sickness or families with kids, as the water is usually calmer during early hours, and the ride will be smoother. There will be some morning activities, such as feeding. However, the whales tend to be more active in the afternoon and by the evening when the waves get rougher.

Whale Watch Cabo is Cabo San Lucas's very first premier guaranteed whale sighting company. Between December and April, the chances of seeing whales are 95% or better, but if you don't see any of them, the operator will invite you back on complimentary tours until you witness whales with your own eyes. Every boat has onboard hydrophones, so you can listen to the whales sing.

Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, boasts ideal conditions for whale watching, situated where the waters of the Sea of Cortez meet the Pacific Ocean. Beyond the whales, Cabo's stunning beaches, clear waters, and captivating desert landscapes create a serene retreat for those looking to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Note that whale watching in Cabo coincides with the high tourist season so the prices will be above average. Yet, taking a vacation during this time of year promises to become an everlasting memory.

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