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Rude Health Bog di snorkeling Campionati 2024 a Galles

Spiderman, una donna delle caverne, Batman, sirene e altri supereroi gareggiano in questa torbiera

Date: 25 agosto 2024

Non perdetevi questa divertente competizione tra i partecipanti vestiti in vestiti curiosi, che superano una trincea di turba di 60 yard il più velocemente possibile. È noto come il Bog Snorkeling Championships e si tiene annualmente a Llanwrtyd Wells in agosto. Non c'è bisogno di avere alcuna esperienza e abilità, solo il proprio desiderio. La potenza del flipper è l'unico modo per "finire". Se sei un vero avventuriero, prendi una tuta, maschera, snorkel, pinne, e unisciti agli altri. Chissà, forse sarai il nuovo campione.

No experience or special skills are required to participate in this quirky event—just a sense of adventure and some flipper power! Anyone up for the challenge can grab a wetsuit, mask, snorkel, and fins and join in the fun. The event site also offers food and drink stalls, crafts, live music, and a real ale and cider bar, making it a fantastic day out even for those who prefer to stay dry. Please note that there is a small charge for parking at the bog site.

This year, the event will take place on August 25 at Waen Rydd bog, just outside the town, starting around 10 am. For those who are okay with a mile-long walk, the site is signposted from the town. Additionally, a free shuttle bus runs from the town square to the bog and back throughout the day, starting after 9 am.

Like many of history's greatest ideas, the World Bog Snorkelling Championship was conceived in a pub, specifically the Neuadd Arms in Llanwrtyd Wells, a small town in the Mid Wales uplands. Over three decades since its inception, the event now draws competitors from all over the globe.

In 2023, the bog snorkellers included participants from Sweden, Serbia, Ireland, Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands, Australia, Norway, South Africa, Germany, Italy, and the USA, making this a truly international championship.

Informazioni pratiche

Trova hotel e airbnb vicino a Rude Health Bog di snorkeling Campionati (Mappa)

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