
About Us

Our mission is to change the way people travel

Booking your ticket is the easiest part. Making your plans can be much harder. As travelers become more discerning about their wandering wants and needs, and more enlightened to the incredible experiences that await them, our goal is to help make every journey as enriching and exciting as possible. We’ve put together a comprehensive database of the world’s most inspiring and authentic events, activities, natural phenomena, places, and foods. All of the whens and wheres are provided—you just have to go. The best destination for any time of year is just a click away!

New era travel guide

Rove.me is a new type of travel guide focused on time and seasonality. It’s based on both editorial content and data analysis. Seasonality, weather statistics, and crowdedness intel all come together in this unique travel recommendation engine, designed to inspire every type of traveler. Browse through thousands of suggestions based on our data, then create the travel wishlist of your dreams. The good ol’ “travel bucket list” just got so smart you will be in the right place at the right time!

The Team

Oleksiy Rak


Serhiy Oplakanets


Product team

Sergiy Onyshchuk

Chief Technology Officer

Pavel Chumakov

Head of Growth

Valery Topalo

Senior Software Engineer

Ihor Ivanov

Software Engineer

Editorial team