
Best weather to visit Texas

Summer in Texas 2025

Hail storms, wind storms, extreme heat, fires, and hurricanes can occur in Texas

Best time: June, July, August

The weather conditions vary due to the location. The northern part of the state has cold semi-arid steppe climate, while central and southern parts are warm and humid, with hot summers and no dry season, and the west has a cold desert climate. Most people will find the ocean off Texas warm enough to enjoy swimming from April to October. South Padre Island offers the warmest water—around 21 °C in August.

June is a hot month with an average temperature of 30 °C. A small rain occurs, and thunderstorms are still quite common on the whole territory of the state. You can still catch some tornadoes, but chances are less than in May.

In July and August, average temperatures are 35 °C-39 °C. It is still the thunderstorm season. But rain occurs rarely. The eastern territory has no rain during these months. And there is a high hazard of fires. Thunderstorms are mostly concentrated on the western and northern parts of the state. Humidity is very high during these months there.

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