
The Longest Night in the World
Every year on June 21st, sleeping is forbidden in Ushuaia

A magnificent view of the setting sun right between the buildings in Manhattan

Even the most hurried drivers don't mind stopping to gaze at the unique solar spectacle

Lahaina Noon
An interesting solar position can be observed in various locations

Loughcrew Equinox
The ancient tombs of Loughcrew are aligned perfectly with equinox sunrise and have been a sacred place for Gaelic culture, especially during this occasion

Total Solar Eclipse
Some spots on Earth wait for the moment of solar totality for hundreds or even thousands of years. To capture a spectacle, you have to be truly lucky

Stonehenge: Spring Equinox, Summer Solstice, Autumn Equinox, and Winter Solstice
Thousands of pagans, Krishnaits, druids and a plentitude of curious wanderers celebrate solstices and equinoxes at the famous Neolithic site

Abu Simbel Sun Festival
The inner sanctum of the temple remains in darkness throughout the year and sees the stream of natural sunlight only twice a year

Mayan Equinox and Solstice
Living Mayan history and culture can be observed during the Equinox and Solstice ceremonial celebrations

Equinox at Chichén Itzá
Ancient Mayan architects calculated everything precisely to the very sunlight reflections and shadows

Solar Spotlight at the Anthem Veterans Memorial
Once a year, on Veterans' Day, the sun shines perfectly on this spot

Summer Solstice at the Temples of Hagar Qim
Meet the first sun rays near the Temples of Hagar Qim to mark the summer solstice, a new day and even a new life!