Best time to visit
8 things to do in Great Barrier Reef

Most extravagant residents of Austalia's offshore waters that can be spotted all along the Great Barrier Reef

Tropical Cyclones
Beware of the most powerful and destructive natural phenomenon that you can observe on the continent

Breeding and Nesting Sea Birds
Great Barrier Reef is great for underwater activities, but what happens above might be so much more exciting during summer!

Stinger Season
Don't let jellyfish spoil your beach holidays and get a special stinger suit for them not to get you!

One of the most exciting outdoor activity with hundreds of unusual species for fishing lovers from around the world

Diving and Snorkelling
Great Barrier Reef is more than famous for its diving experience. With the biggest reefs and most unique fish and animal, your dive here will be more than perfect!

Coral Polyps Spawn
Witness the birth of coral reef—a recently discovered phenomenon that sparks with bubbles and colour!

Minke Whale
Your most precious experience watching dwarf minke whales on their way to the Pole