Best time to visit South Australia

South Australia

Best time of year to visit South Australia

March through May and September through November are deemed to be the best time to visit South Australia. Fall boasts a low possibility of rains and an excellent chance to explore Simpson Dunes. Spring is known for a relatively slow tourist season when the air warms up; the prices are affordable and wildlife is easy to observe. This period is perfect for hitting Stuart Highway or Birdsville Track and exploring the state. June through August in SA is never very cold. During these months, the state offers fewer tourists, the cheapest accommodation, and a perfect whale watching experience. However, winter also has the most precipitation. Peak season in South Australia runs from December to February. Summer months bring the heat, bright sun, and clear skies—fantastic conditions for chilling on the beach or strolling around Umpherston Sinkhole. Just don't forget to grab a wide-brimmed hat.


Birdsville Track

Birdsville Track

all year round • activity

A road through a desert is called the loneliest in Australia


Pilwarren Maslin Beach Nude Games

Pilwarren Maslin Beach Nude Games

on holdJanuary 17, 2021 • event

Nudist community of Australia organizes a large sports competition, which attracts hundreds of enthusiasts

Pine Mushrooms (Saffron Milk Caps)

Pine Mushrooms (Saffron Milk Caps)

out of rangeMarch–May • food

These grow in places where the soil is densely covered with old coniferous needles, and often hide under them

Electric Gardens Festival

Electric Gardens Festival

out of rangeMarch 30–April 7, 2024 (March 30—Melbourne, March 31—Sydney, April 6-7—Perth) • event

Electronic-centric music festival in Sydney, Melbourne, and Perth

Boxing Day

Boxing Day

out of rangeDecember 26 • event

One of the best days to go shopping or enjoy a family BBQ



out of rangeMarch–July • food

One of the latest fruits of the year that will brighten up any dessert!

Flying Duck Orchid

Flying Duck Orchid

out of rangeSeptember–January • nature

Tiny flower resembling a flying duck lures insects into its arms, captivates, and enslaves them

Baby Kangaroos (Joeys)

Baby Kangaroos (Joeys)

out of rangeJune–August • nature

Find yourself in a zoo with no borders on Kangaroo Island

Perth International Jazz Festival

Perth International Jazz Festival

out of rangeNovember 3–5, 2023 | November 11–12, 2023 • event

Australians surely know a little something about jazz music, and this festival is living proof of it

The Lights of Lobethal

The Lights of Lobethal

out of rangeDecember 9–December 23 • event

The largest community display of Christmas lights in the Southern Hemisphere

WOMADelaide Festival

WOMADelaide Festival

out of rangeMarch 8–11, 2024 • event

An iconic open-air festival of music, art and dance

Stuart Highway

Stuart Highway

out of rangeMay–October • activity

A legendary historic route that runs through several climate zones of Australia

Melbourne Food & Wine Festival

Melbourne Food & Wine Festival

out of rangemid-March, 2025 • event

Explore the richness of Victorian cuisine and wine at the Garden City's biggest feast

Simpson, the World's Largest Sand Dune Desert

Simpson, the World's Largest Sand Dune Desert

out of rangemid-March–November (best in May–October) • activity

Hundreds of kilometres of sand dunes, vast salt flats, and boundless open spaces astonish with unexpectedly rich wildlife



out of rangeSeptember–November • food

In most refined dishes, asparagus should maintain its taste and structure: it should be slightly soft, but not too much

Umpherston Sinkhole

Umpherston Sinkhole

out of rangeDecember–February • nature

A luxurious garden in an unlikely place

Pumpkin Season

Pumpkin Season

out of rangeMarch–August • food

Pumpkin seeds were brought to Australia on the First Fleet back in 1788

Whale Watching

Whale Watching

out of rangeJune–September • nature

Witness a massive southern right whale migration

Generations in Jazz

Generations in Jazz

unconfirmedMay 3–5, 2024 • event

A popular music event and competition in South Australia

Meredith Music Festival

Meredith Music Festival

out of rangeDecember 6–8, 2024 • event

Experience the quintessential joy of music at the celebration in the heart of Victoria



out of rangeDecember–May • food

This glossy and brightly colored fruit will be a good addition to your meal

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