Animal Life

Deer Watching in Richmond Park
This park is not fenced off, deer roam where they want

Marking the Reindeer
For Sami, the people who live in Northern Lapland, reindeer means life itself

Deer at Zandvoort aan Zee
Visit National Park Zuid-Kennemerland now to witness some macho behaviour of deers

Dyrehaven (Deerpark)
An ex-royal hunting ground is now a great place for deer watching

Java Mouse-Deer Breeding
This tiny animal is unlike any other deer in the world

Barasingha (Swamp Deer)
An endangered unique deer that can be seen only in one nature preserve

Baby Deer at Nara Park
The deer may be not the only attraction of Nara Park, but they are definitely the most popular one, especially the little ones

Follow the song of a bull moose during the mating season. But watch out and don't come too close!

Pudu Deer
The world's tiniest deer are found in small numbers in dense Chilean forests—such a wildlife encounter is a rare blessing

Red Deer Rutting
The loud clash of red deer signals that rutting season is on–time to watch the stags' fight

The Elk rut is one reason that draws so many visitors to the park every year during September, and early summer bring elk calves

Pampas Deer
Watch these tender animals lying in the sun in the morning, bathing in rivers, or hiding in high grass, but don't scare them away