
Beste Reisezeit Kalifornien

Delosperma cooperi in Kalifornien 2025

Eine der prominentesten Sehenswürdigkeiten von Pacific Grove

Beste Zeit: Mai

Trotz der Überzeugung, dass die Eispflanze in Kalifornien beheimatet ist, wurde sie eigentlich erst Anfang der 1900er Jahre aus Sought Africa dorthin gebracht und zuerst entlang Eisenbahnen und später auch Autobahnen zur Bodenstabilisierung gepflanzt.

Die Eispflanze ist eine recht aggressive und invasive Pflanze, die sich schnell über weite Gebiete erstreckt. Aber es gibt auch eine buchstäblich helle Seite. Die Pflanze hat schöne rosa Blüten und sie blüht so dicht, dass sie wie ein rosa Teppich in der Hauptsaison aussieht. Die vom blauen Ozean umrahmte felsige Küste wird mit rosafarbenen Flecken bedeckt. Im Mai, während der Hauptsaison, sind Orte wie Pacific Grove, vor allem der Lover's Point Park, auf jeden Fall einen Besuch wert

Despite its ability to thrive in California and its visually appealing appearance, the Ice Plant poses significant ecological challenges as an invasive species. Originally native to South Africa, it was introduced to California in the early 20th century to stabilize soil along railroad tracks and highways. Over time, it spread extensively into dune ecosystems, where its dominance often eliminates the presence of native plant species. In areas where diverse plant communities once thrived, the Ice Plant frequently forms monocultures, significantly reducing biodiversity and threatening native species that depend on these habitats.

Even though the Ice Plant is quite an aggressive and invasive plant that quickly covers vast areas, there's also a bright side to it. The plant has beautiful pink flowers and it blooms so densely that it looks like a pink carpet in the peak season.

Ice plants spread rapidly and have become invasive along the coastal areas of California, from Humboldt County in the north to Baja California in the south. It blooms abundantly along the coastline of Pacific Grove, particularly at Lover's Point Park, offering a vivid pink carpet view. Other notable locations to observe the Ice Plant bloom include Santa Cruz, Monterey Bay, and San Jose, which are well-known for showcasing this phenomenon annually.

Ice plants typically bloom between April and October, with May being the peak month to observe their full display in California. During this period, the plants are covered with vibrant pink flowers, offering a striking contrast against the rocky coastline and the blue ocean.

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