Animal Life

Firefly Festivals (Hotaru Matsuri)
Watching fireflies is a summer obsession for the Japanese

The lightning bugs illuminate the summer evenings in the wilds of Southern Ontario

Firefly Watching
Discover natural Christmas trees in mangrove forests

Firefly Season
A glowing field of fireflies over bioluminescent plants and other natural wonders of Taiwan

Synchronous Fireflies
Although thousands of firefly species live around the world, there are not that many places where you can observe such magic

Synchronous Fireflies
The symphony of light in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Synchronous Fireflies
Mangrove forests and river banks come alive at night with thousands of flashing lights

Fireflies (Hotaru)
Firefly watching is a favorite summer nighttime activity in Tokyo parks

Fireflies at Blue Spring State Park
The amazing mother nature's light show takes place every spring in Central Florida

Nanacamilpa Firefly Forest
The enchanted forest, not far from Mexico City, is taken over by fireflies

Synchronous Firefly Season
A fairytale-like summer phenomenon at Allegheny National Forest

Congaree Fireflies
Magic is in the air when thousands of synchronous fireflies light up the dark forest

Fireflies in Maharashtra
Thick hilly forests of Maharashtra are India's best spot to observe lightning bugs

Flashing Fireflies of Kampung Kuantan
A huge colony of fireflies performs their dance of light as a one whole organism