
Jacaranda Trees in Bloom
Streets turn purple when those amazing trees are in bloom

Jacarandas in Bloom
For several months some streets and residential quarters of the city become purple from the blossom of the jacaranda

Jacarandas in Pretoria
It's not a mere coincidence that Pretoria is called Jacaranda City—during the blooming season, the city turns purple with 70,000 blooming trees

Cherry Blossom in South Africa
Travel to the countryside to see cherry orchards spring bloom throughout the country

Jacaranda Trees in Bloom
Every spring Sydney shows off its beauty due to lavish jacaranda tree blooms

Judas Tree in Bloom
Glorified throughout history, the shy but graceful Judas trees adorn the city of Istanbul

Palo Borracho Bloom
An unusual tree that grows in Buenos Aires and is called the "drunken tree"

Jacaranda Tree Blooming
Don't miss a beautiful spectacle of Jacaranda trees blooming along the Haleakala slopes on Maui

Flamboyant Tree Blossom
Observe how the whole of Mauritius dresses in red as the Flamboyant Tree starts to blossom

Jacaranda Tree
Purple crowns, purple floral snow and purple carpets – the privileges of Jacaranda trees

Fuchsia Flower
Tiny red and purple flowers that cover the island's valleys throughout summer months

Flamboyant, or Flame Tree
These magnificent trees create fantastic landscapes

Red Flowering Gum Tree
In spite of its name, a red gum blooms with bright red, pink, orange and even white flowers

It is a good time to visit South Korea to soak in the fragrance and beauty of flowers and other abundant flora