
Best weather to visit Chicago

Summer in Chicago 2025

The wettest and warmest time of the year is the most attractive for visitors

Best time: June, July, August

Summer is referred to as the sunniest and the rainiest season. And the most popular summer activity for both locals and tourists is resting at the Lake Michigan’s shores. The eastern side of the city has a really wide gateway to the lake, and June is the best time to experience the best of beach season when the air and water are just appropriately warm. Also, June opens the kayaking season on Chicago River.

Beach season in Chicago continues drawing more and more people, but July is generally known to be the warmest month in Chicago, the highest record was 41°C, but normally the temperature remains around the mark of 30°C. Of course, exceptions happen, and the lowest record is 16°C. Generally, July is really hot. Besides, it is an extremely rainy season. So it grills and showers in turn. Still, the month is probably the most popular with tourists.

When July is labelled the warmest month in a year, August in the wettest one. Whoever has problems enduring high humidity and heat levels, should either stay indoors or visit Chicago in less hot months like May, June, September and early October. But for the beach lovers, this is the ideal time.

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