
Best weather to visit Tahiti

Rainy Season (Summer) in Tahiti 2024-2025

Despite the sometimes unpredictable weather, the humid season is still a fantastic time to visit Tahiti with its warm, sunny weather, beautiful beaches, and stunning natural environment

Best time: November–March

In Tahiti, the rainy season features frequent mugginess, humidity, as well as heavier and more frequent rains, even tropical storms. Strong winds that reach speeds of over 220 km/h may even occur from time to time.

The humid season lasts from November through March (sometimes into April) and is called the Austral summer. The average daily temperature is 30°C. Despite the possibility of rain, the humid season is still a fantastic time to visit Tahiti with its warm sunny weather, beautiful beaches, and stunning natural environment. It is the peak season for tourism, especially December through January.