
Epiphany and La Befana
Learn about the legend of La Befana during the National Holiday Epiphany

Día de Reyes
One of the most colorful holidays in Puerto Rico is especially anticipated by children

Les Pleureuses or the Mourners
The town of Romont is home to an unusual Easter tradition

Epiphany or St. Jordan Day
Whoever catches the cross on St. Jordan's Day will be prosperous and healthy throughout the year

Christmas (Navidad)
With las posadas, los pastorales, and other seasonal fun, Mexican Christmas is so much more than food and presents

Qing Ming Festival
Chinese community celebrates this "clear and bright" festival, bringing foods and drinks to the cemeteries and burning paper gifts

Three Kings Parade (Cavalcade of Magi)
The Three Kings are responsible for fulfilling the traditional tasks of Santa Claus, namely for receiving letters and distributing gifts

Epiphany or Three Kings' Day
Experience a fresh celebration of Epiphany, the most beloved holiday for children in Canaria

La Befana (Epiphany)
Have you ever received a present from La Befana? Keep an eye out for the Italian female equivalent of Santa Claus!

Rosca de Reyes
Slices of the sweet bread include baby figurines. If you get one, consider yourself lucky!

Three Kings Parade (Los Reyes Magos)
Dazzling festival happening in Seville, where vibrant floats, lively performances, and the joy of community come together

Christmas in the Canary Islands
Want to celebrate Christmas in a different way? Go to the Canary Islands and have yourself a merry little Christmas like no other year

Epiphany – Adoration of the Magi
Join the colorfully dressed Cavalcade of the Three Wise Men to greet the newly-born Messiah

Epiphany & Blessing of the Waters
A symbolic and spectacular ending to the Christmas holidays

Melomakarona—Greek Christmas Honey Cookies
Christmas in Greece won't be complete without these traditional festive sweets!

Theophania or Epiphany
An inspiring tradition of throwing a cross into the water and diving after it highlights the celebration

Three Kings Day
Epiphany is a great holiday in Barcelona celebrated by La Cabalgata de Reyes Magos

Kourampiedes (Kourabiethes)—Greek Christmas Butter Cookies
During Christmas vacation in Greece, try these delicious traditional butter cookies which look like small snowballs

Epiphany Cake (King Cake)
A traditional Catholic holiday marked with a crown-shaped cake, dances and singing