
The 9th Avenue International Food Festival
Try out some of the best food Hell's Kitchen can offer

Time your visit to see hundreds of Ukrainians wearing their traditional embroidered shirts

Kalyna (Viburnum)
Perhaps, the most important plant in the Ukrainian culture. Taste kalyna's bitter but healthy fruit in the fall months.

Winter in Bukovel
The largest ski resort in Eastern Europe has everything for a perfect holiday

Sakura Blossom in Uzhhorod
Every spring, blooming Japanese cherry trees draw tourist crowds to the heart of Transcarpathia

Krasna Malanka (Ukrainian New Year’s Eve)
A bizarre pagan show with straw bears, gypsies, and evil spirits occurs every winter in a small Bukovyna village

Rhododendron or Chervona Ruta
Once a year, the breathtaking landscapes of Ukrainian Carpathians are painted with rare magic blooms

Kholodets (Jellied Meat)
If you visit Ukraine during Christmas or Easter holidays, trying this unique festive course is a must

White Storks
Each year, these magnificent birds return to their old nesting sites in the Ukrainian countryside

Wild Berries
Summer in Ukraine is the best time to recharge yourself with vitamins and boost your immune system

Khrin, Buriachky, or Tsvikli
Pungent to tears, this seasonal side dish is a perfect accompaniment to meat goodies during Christmas and Easter holidays

Hiking in Carpathian Mountains
The picturesque Ukrainian Carpathians take your breath away

Plum Season
Late summer in Ukraine is time to load your stomach with sweet purple fruit