Animal Life

Chameleons and Other Reptiles in Algarve
Best place in Europe to see amphibians and reptiles

An encounter with a real crocodile is an amusing and awe-inspiring experience that requires caution

Turtle Nesting and Hatching
Dozens of sea turtles crawling to and from the sea means nesting season is on in Cancun

Snake Season
Snakes have been an object of fascination, fear, and suspicion since ancient times

Lizards of Sa Dragonera
This attraction is only for those who don't have reptiles on their list of personal phobias

Have you seen how chameleon changes colours? The world's smallest species is found only in Madagascar

Loggerhead Turtle
One of the largest turtles can be found in the waters around Canaria. Don't miss your chance to see it!

Sea Turtle Hatching
The Maldives are home to five of the world's seven sea turtle species

Turtle Nesting
If you've never seen a turtle that weights 400 kg, you should visit South Africa

Croc Cage Diving
The snapping jaws and gnarly teeth just a few centimetres from your face—this personal encounter is to become a memorable experience

Marine Iguanas
The Galapagos Islands offer the possibility to observe one of the most beautiful reptiles in the world—marine iguanas who become more colourful in the breeding season

Crocodile Watching
Overcome your childhood fears and check out these giant reptiles up close

Baby Alligators
If you are a fan of these huge reptiles, there are plenty of places here to observe them in the wild

Baby Giant Tortoises on Prison Island
This colony of Giant Tortoises is the biggest and most gorgeous attraction of this picturesque island

Sea Turtle Nesting and Hatching
See how volunteers care for the turtles' eggs and babies during the summer breeding season

Snake Safari
Safari is so much more than just lions, rhinos or even elephants. Try snake safari instead!

Iguanas at El Rey Ruins
Thousands years ago Mayan tribes were the main residents of the area, today hundreds iguanas occupy their place

Sea Turtle Hatchlings
The beaches of Tanzania are among the best places to see this miracle of nature

Search for Anaconda
If you don't have a phobia of snakes, this is the place for an amazing adventure

Caiman Watching
The Amazon rainforest is home to the well-known caiman. Don't miss a chance to discover different kinds of these reptiles during the low water season

Caving with Crocodiles
Challenge yourself in the caves inhibited by bats, crocodiles and other creatures

Fijian Banded Iguana Breeding
Active during the day, looking for food and basking, Fiji banded iguanas hide in the treetops at night