
Best time to travel to Maldives

Sea Turtle Hatching in Maldives 2025

The Maldives are home to five of the world's seven sea turtle species

Best time: July–August (all year round)

There are seven sea turtle species in the world, and five of them can be spotted in the Maldives. These are the Leatherback, Loggerhead, Hawksbill, Green, and Olive-Ridley Turtle. When you snorkel or dive in the Maldives, it's easy to spot at least two of the five sea turtle species living in the water around the archipelago. Look for lagoons that are rich with seagrass as this is a favourite food of the Green turtles.

Sea turtles lay their eggs all year round; however, the most active nesting season falls from May to June. The greatest number of hatching takes place from July to August.

Kuredu Island is one of the best places to observe the baby turtles' first steps. Nowadays, it's rather difficult for them to find their way to the sea. With the constant light pollution, the turtles often head inwards on the island rather than to the ocean which is lit by the reflection of the moon that is meant to guide them. Tourists and locals often assist baby turtles in their struggle for survival by helping them go in the right direction. Turtles normally hatch during the full moon, but some of the hatchlings do come out on darker nights.

It's better if hatchlings make their way into the ocean on their own. This helps them to program their built-in GPS systems that will ensure any female turtles that survive will make their way back to the beach one day to lay eggs, completing this incredible tale of survival.

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