
Best time to visit Texas

Hog Hunting in Texas 2025

Texans love to hunt, and local regulations are not so strict

Best time: all year round (mid-January–March)

Texas is considered to be one of the top US states for hog hunting, as the local population estimates up to 1.5 million hogs. They like to say the state is losing the war on feral hogs and hence encourage the hunters to go for them year-round. However, there are not many opportunities to do so on public territory. Around 97% of Texas is privately owned. Anyways, there is a decent choice of reasonably priced guided hog hunts. One of the options is Ox Hunting Ranch offering some of the best hog hunting packages in the state. Other good options are Callahagn Ranch, Langley Ranch, and Dos Plumas Hunting Ranch.

Besides, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department offers a public hunting program, which includes opportunities to hunt deer, antelope, feral hogs, turkey, alligators, and other game in the wildlife management areas and state parks.

Anyone, who wants to hunt in Texas, should know local laws and regulations, and purchase a valid hunting license. No bag limits or seasons on hunting wild pig are enforced in Texas, but a few things still have to be considered. First of all, it is illegal to hunt a hog without a license. Hog can be found in more arid or semi-arid parts of the state—the South Texas brush country, the Trans-Pecos' desert grasslands, and the Edwards Plateau's oak-juniper woodlands.

Since javelinas have poor eyesight and not ​the best hearing, it can sometimes be found not too far away from humans. Javelina is a nocturnal animal during the hot season, but it is active during the day in winter. The best time for javelina hunting is mid-January through March.

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