Best time to visit by weather Ibiza



°C /°F
27°C 27°C
WeatherJuly 01July 10

Based on historical data we estimate temperature to be between 27..27°C with average daylight time of about hours.

Last updated:

Ibiza weather in January

10.5/10 score
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10 mm
6h 24m
daylight duration
The first month of the year is the coldest in Ibiza. However, don’t expect frost of snow. It is still quite mild with comfortable temperatures above the freezing level. Even in January Ibiza boats 7 hours of sunshine. The sea temperature is slightly warmer than the air temperature. It’s too cold to swim, but if you want to put a wetsuit and enjoy some watersports, you can certainly do so. Ibiza has about 10 rainy days in January, which means that an umbrella will come in handy. As well as a jacket and some waterproof boots. On average, Ibiza winters are quite wet and humid. But the locals say that it usually rains just for three days in a row, and then you can count on sunny clear skies. Eastern and western parts of the island are usually the warmest since they are sheltered by the mountains.

Ibiza weather in February

10.5/10 score
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10 mm
6h 24m
daylight duration
February is another cold and wet month in Ibiza, but it gets slightly warmer than in January. Temperatures go up in the afternoons. When the sun is out, you can sit in an outdoor cafe and enjoy the weather. The rains are also less frequent. There are about seven rainy days in February. With eight hours of sunshine per day, it’s a good time for hiking. Explore the ruins of the Lost City or one of the small villages that are so quiet and peaceful during winter. Swimming is out of the question in February unless you wear a wetsuit.

Ibiza weather in March

10.5/10 score
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10 mm
6h 24m
daylight duration
It’s getting warmer and sunnier with every day of spring in Ibiza. Due to comfortable temperature during the day, it feels great to spend time outside in the sun. With nine hours of sunshine in a day it’s a perfect time to go hiking and explore Sa Talaia, the highest point on Ibiza. Swimming in the sea without a wetsuit is still too cold. However, March kicks off wildflower bloom in Ibiza. The island gets covered with beautiful colors and smells. You will see them everywhere: along roads, on the streets, and throughout the fields. So get lost in the Ibiza countryside and celebrate the arrival of spring.

Ibiza weather in April

10.5/10 score
10° average
average temperatures
10 mm
6h 24m
daylight duration
Spring is very warm and beautiful in Ibiza. Due to the balmy Mediterranean climate, some afternoons already feel like summer. It’s time to unpack those t-shirts and shorts! April brings lots of sunshine with and about seven rainy days during the month. This weather is perfect to explore the island, fishing villages and mountains covered with wildflowers. The sea temperature warms up a bit in comparison with previous months, but it’s still too cold to swim without a wetsuit. But the weather is warm enough for sunbathing and relaxing in a heated pool.

Ibiza weather in May

10.5/10 score
10° average
average temperatures
10 mm
6h 24m
daylight duration
The last month of spring brings first heat waves and thunderstorms to Ibiza. It already feels like summer is here. Wonderful balmy weather in the mid and upper 20s by Celsius or 70s by Fahrenheit is perfect for sunbathing, cycling, walking, hiking or relaxing outside. At this time you are lucky to have over 14 hours of daylight per day! There are seven rainy days in May, and thunderstorms are possible at this time, but sunny weather usually prevails. Sea is gradually warming and you can see some brave first swimmers on the beach. Evenings can still be cool so don’t forget to bring a sweater or light jacket.

Ibiza weather in June

10.5/10 score
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average temperatures
10 mm
6h 24m
daylight duration
Summer arrival is glorious in Ibiza as the island fills with sun-hungry people longing for some beach relaxation. The comfortable temperature around 27°C or 80 °F brings everyone outside. Rains are less common now: there are just four rainy days in June. And thunderstorms are still possible at the beginning of the month. But rains are followed by bright skies immediately, and will not spoil your vacation. Even nights are perfectly warm for those wild parties. The sea temperature is finally over 20°C or 70°F. Besides, you can plan plenty of outdoor activities during one day: June has the longest days of the year.

Ibiza weather in July

10.5/10 score
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10 mm
6h 24m
daylight duration
Sunny, hot, and very dry Mediterranean summer weather dominates Ibiza in July. It’s the best time to spend time on the beach, getting tanned, swimming, and any enjoying water sports. Nights are warm enough for partying, swimming and socializing outdoors. Seawater is warm and comfortable to soak for hours. The afternoons become boiling hot so make sure you have some protection against the sun. Rains are rather rare with just 3 days this month. It’s usually a light rain or a shower followed by clear sunny skies. Light clothes, a sunhat, and a swimsuit is all that you need these days.

Ibiza weather in August

10.5/10 score
10° average
average temperatures
10 mm
6h 24m
daylight duration
The last month of summer is the hottest and driest in Ibiza. During the day the temperature is often in the 30s Celsius or 90s Fahrenheit. There are 14 hours of sunshine. Rain is scarce, as there are just 4 rainy days. It’s the perfect weather to hit the beach during the day and party at night. Water temperature in high 20s Celsius (70s Fahrenheit) will keep you in the sea for hours. It’s too hot for cycling, walking or hiking on the island these days. Bring sunblock lotion and some clothes that can protect you against the sun.

Ibiza weather in September

10.5/10 score
10° average
average temperatures
10 mm
6h 24m
daylight duration
September still feels like summer in Ibiza. However, the heat is not unbearable anymore. The temperature returns to a more comfortable range. Actually, this month probably has the best weather to enjoy a vacation in Ibiza. Water temperature is still pleasantly warm, and the air is not too hot, so you can stay outside for hours without overheating. September brings more rains to Ibiza: it has 8 wet days. However, good sunny weather is dominating. Nights are still warm and perfect for staying out late, and outdoor activities like cycling and hiking are possible despite decreasing daylight hours.

Ibiza weather in October

10.5/10 score
10° average
average temperatures
10 mm
6h 24m
daylight duration
Lovely warm weather and warm sea make October a wonderful time to have an Ibiza vacation. The temperature is comfortable staying in the mid 20s Celsius or 70s Fahrenheit with 8 hours of sunshine during the day. Lovely warm weather suits for spending time on the beach, hiking, cycling and exploring the island. Rains get visibly more frequent. There are over 10 rainy days in October so make sure you have an umbrella and some light waterproof clothes. Nights get colder, and the beach party season is over. Wind also picks up in October so be ready for some moderate sea breezes.

Ibiza weather in November

10.5/10 score
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average temperatures
10 mm
6h 24m
daylight duration
If you like outdoor activities and not that crazy about hot weather and the beach, you can still have a good time in Ibiza in November. There is a good chance that you will see a shower or two, as there are 10 rainy days this month. Bring extra layers of warm clothes. Days are still quite warm and mild, but it can get cold at night. Also, cool waves might bring a few days with lower temperatures. But it’s still a good time for water sports, cycling, hiking, sightseeing and visiting museums. The sea cools down and gets too cold for swimming by the end of the month. Eastern and western sides of the mountains usually are less exposed to wind and cold.

Ibiza weather in December

10.5/10 score
10° average
average temperatures
10 mm
6h 24m
daylight duration
The arrival of winter in Ibiza is usually quite mild. Even though December is the second coldest month after January, the temperature never goes below freezing or even into one-digit numbers in Celsius. Still, pack a warm jacket and a few sweaters if you plan to spend some time outside. You don’t have to pack a swimsuit since the sea is too cold to swim. With just seven hours of daylight, December has the shortest days throughout the year. There are 11 rainy days this month so you will see a lot of clouds and grey skies. However, even in December Ibiza can boast some beautiful sunny days when you can read a book, sitting in an outside cafe or plan a trip to Sa Talaiassa mountain