Best time to visit
16 things to do in Jerusalem

Israeli sweetest cake that will bring you joyfulness and prosperity for the following year

Levivot or Latkes
Probably the tastiest potato dish you have ever tried, only in Israel, only for Hanukkah

Yom Kippur
Streets and roads are empty—the whole country is celebrating Yom Kippur, the holiday of atonement and forgiveness

Jerusalem Day
Take part in celebration of the Jerusalem Day hand in hand with the locals

Holy Fire in Jerusalem
The miracle that is believed to occur on Orthodox Easter Saturday for centuries

Purim Street Party
Have fun all night long, celebrating the country's most popular holiday

Yom HaShoah Siren
Empathize with the locals over the darkest pages in the world's history

Palm Sunday
One of the most significant events in Christianity opens the Holy Week with a palm walk

Traditional Jewish doughnuts are the sweetest reason to visit Israel for Hanukkah

Visit the country for one of the most well-known Jewish holidays, the Feast of Lights. Take part in the local celebrations and try traditional dishes

Almond Blossom in Israel
Tender pinkish flowers cover the almond trees all over Israel during early spring

Jerusalem Light Festival
With thrilling light installations, sound effects, and the overall majesty of the old city, Jerusalem Light Festival will be a high point of your visit

Tower of David Night Shows
Watch unique laser shows dedicated to Jerusalem, King David, and world culture

Jerusalem Bird Observatory (JBO)
A unique park and research station right in the heart of Jerusalem

Bridge of Strings (Jerusalem Chords Bridge)
The bridge resembling a tent in the desert or King David's harp is a work of art and one of the tallest structures in Jerusalem

Holy Week & Easter in Jerusalem
There is no better place to experience Holy Week than the Holy Land, where it all occurred