
Best time to go to The Netherlands

Football Orange Fever 2025 in The Netherlands

The Dutch are crazy about two things: football and orange colour

Dates: March–November (on selected dates)

Worldcup qualification game Netherlands vs. Macedonia in Amsterdam, The Netherlands

When the Dutch national team, known as 'Het Nederlands Elftal' (Dutch Eleven) or 'Oranje' (Orange), plays, everything turns orange—literally! Supermarkets, bars, houses, and shops are all decked out in the national color. This overwhelming display of orange reflects the country's deep love for football, a sport in which the Dutch excel.

Celebrations in Orange

The Dutch tradition of celebrating in orange is most visible during major sports events. Fans proudly wear orange T-shirts, caps, and scarves, while entire streets, houses, and shops are adorned in orange flags, banners, and streamers, creating a festive and unified atmosphere. Public viewing events, where large screens are set up in parks and squares, attract crowds for carnival-like gatherings marked by singing and chanting. The Dutch national team, symbolized by a lion, adds to the excitement, with orange-clad lion statues and flags decorating public spaces and homes. This phenomenon, known as "Oranjegekte," or "orange craze," isn't limited to football. It also occurs during major sporting events like Formula One Grands Prix and Koningsdag, the annual celebration of the king's birthday.

Origins of Oranjegekte

The Dutch national color, orange, originates from William of Orange, who led the Dutch War of Independence against Spain in the 16th century. This historical connection has endured, with the Dutch royal family still known as "the Oranges," symbolizing the deep bond with the color. *Oranjegekte*, or "orange madness," truly took off during the 1974 World Cup, when 30,000 to 40,000 Dutch fans attended every game. As noted during the tournament, “a new phenomenon revealed itself: national oranjegekte and masses of supporters following the team.” This passion for the national color and team has since become a defining aspect of Dutch football culture.

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