
Best season to travel to South Africa

Num-Num (Carissa) in South Africa 2026

A wild vitamin-rich treat of the South African summer

Best time: January–February

Num-num is the local name for an indigenous fruit-bearing plant scientifically called Carissa macrocarpa. It is also referred to as the Carissa fruit or Natal plum, after the region where it grows. The fruit is mainly processed into jams, jellies, syrups, and other preserves. However, if you come during harvest time from January to February, you may also try it raw. In season, you'll find it sold along the roadsides by local farmers. This fresh fruit is rich in vitamins and is favoured not only by people, but also a range of wild animals, particularly birds and monkeys.

Num-num is widely found in the wild all across South Africa, namely in the provinces of Limpopo, Gauteng, Mpumalanga, KwaZulu-Natal, Eastern Cape, Western Cape, North West, and Free State.

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