Animal Life

Snow Geese Spring Migration
This show is perfectly suitable for amateur birdwatchers, as it will let you see birds in their natural habitat and in a very convenient way

Hummingbird Migration
Track the world's tiniest bird passing over the Lone Star State

Your backyard could become the "first port in the storm" for these tiny fellows having just flown hundreds of miles above the open waters

Flamingos in the Tagus Estuary Natural Reserve
Endless flocks of pink flamingos occupy the wetland for the winter season

Starling Murmuration
A few millions of birds over the city—a fanciful natural phenomenon to observe, and also a poopocalypse for the city's utility services

Monk Seals
One of the rarest seals in the world can still be found in Madeira

Atlantic Puffins on Skomer
These "sea parrots" really make your day and put a smile on your face!

Fall Colors
From urban parks to railway routes—fall in Nashville and beyond is fantastic

Monarch Butterfly Migration
Thousands of butterflies spend winter in the Santa Cruz sanctuary

Migrant Birds
Go see the most amazing birds in the world and surround yourself with the very distinct sounds of their songs

No need to be an ornithologist to watch birds and have fun in Malta!

Hummingbird Migration
The only state across the country where you can spot 15 different species of hummers at a time

Find some unique and magnificent bird species, and enjoy the diverse nature of Texas

Waved Albatross
The Española island is a fascinating and intriguing place for meeting the waved albatrosses

Snow Geese Fall Migration
Hundreds of thousands of snow geese cover the skies in Quebec, and you should see this phenomenon at least once in a lifetime

Choose Malaysia if you want to see as many different kinds of birds as possible and meet colleagues from all over the world

Migrating Birds at Falsterbo
Witness over 100,000 birds pass Falstebro on their way south!

Snow Geese Spring Migration
Millions of wild cries hover above the land as endless birds fly overhead—just to notify they're coming home

Philippine Eagle
The national bird of the Philippines is renowned as the world's largest eagle species and is found nowhere else across the globe

Flamingoes in Ses Salines Natural Park
Meet the most remarkable bird of the park

Bog Walking
Estonian bogs offer something beautiful and mysterious every season

San Diego Zoo
The world-known zoo surprises with a variety of entertainment for everybody

Numerous birds choose Tuscany as their temporary winter home

Baltimore Oriole
Attracted by fruits and nectar, these birds are often spotted in the gardens

Suncheon Bay Wetland Reserve
South Korea is home to one of the world's largest coastal marshes which boasts a vast field of tall reeds

Birds Migration
Have fun watching the autumn and spring migration of a large stream of storks, pelicans, and other birds in Bulgaria

Fall Foliage at Talimena National Scenic Drive
Wonderful Talimena Scenic Drive is waiting for you

Sandhill Crane Migration in Indiana
One of the most impressive bird congregations in North America

Bird Spotting
North-Eastern Norway bursts into chirping and twittering during migratory bird breeding season

The avian world of Albania is to be discovered, surprises are guaranteed everywhere

Saiga Antelopes in Kazakhstan
They have roamed the Earth since the Ice Age but may soon vanish forever—be sure to witness this endangered species while you still have the chance

Sandhill Cranes
Sandhill cranes flock to Ohio to nest and raise their colts

Sandhill Crane Migration
Alaska is among the most spectacular places to watch the sandhill crane migration

Winter Birds
Every winter, the Niagara River becomes a shelter for countless gulls, canvasback, ducks, geese, swans, and other waterfowl

Situated at the crossroads of three continents, Greece boasts a rich bird life

Bar-Tailed Godwits in New Zealand
Could you cross 10,000 km without food and rest? Seems unreal, but not for bar-tailed godwits

Migratory Bird Watching
Birding is becoming more and more popular and is often one of the main reasons people travel around the world. If you are a fan of birds, Utah has to be in your list!

Ducks on Rice Fields
In Thailand, ducks are used to rid rice farms of unwanted pests in exchange for free food

The wetlands of Bohemia and the forests of Moravia turn into a real bird sanctuary during spring

This park is a good place to see water birds, migrating species, and birds of prey

Birdwatching in Barnes
Anything from wetland birds to wildfowl and migrating species can be found in the large area of the London Wetland Centre

Leave the noisy centre of Buenos Aires and check out a more secluded place—the nature reserves of the capital of Argentina

When it comes to hummingbirds, Alaska has a little something to surprise you with

The rich variety of topographies of the Lulea archipelago attracts many different kinds of birds to Northern Scandinavia

Pemba Flying Fox Breeding Season
See a breathtaking sight as these huge bats take to the air, launching off en-masse as they depart for their evening hunt...for fruit

Starling Murmuration at Aberystwyth Pier
Twilight is the show time in Aberystwyth Pier when the whole 50,000 starlings perform pre-roosting ballet in the sky

Badlands National Park
These dramatic landscapes are the largest protected mixed-grass prairie in the US

Bald Eagles
It is believed that the Bald Eagle symbolizes strength, courage, freedom, and immortality

Arctic Sea Ducks
Norwegian arctic ducks amaze with their colors, vast numbers, and vocals

A unique resident of Texas, quite different and interesting to observe. One of them has even become a state symbol

Pelicans, egrets, ibises, ducks, geese, swans, eagles, vultures and many other feathery marvels are waiting for you in the Danube delta

Birdwatching at Lauwersmeer
Lauswersmer National Park is one of the top birdwatching destinations in Europe!

Spain is a paradise for birds, so if you are a bird lover, don't miss the chance to observe an incredible variety of species

Densely-populated world's leading business center still has room to host thousands of migratory birds

Sandhill Cranes
The Texas Gulf Coast hosts thousands of sandhill cranes over winter months

Observe birds during their migration and enjoy stunning landscapes at the same time

Herons, egrets, gulls, warblers, ducks, grebes, owls and other feathery fellows will delight your eyes and ears

Swallow-Tailed Hummingbird
Watching colourful Hummingbirds play and try to attract each other will make your day

Black-Necked Cranes
These beautiful and endangered birds are a symbol of Bhutan

Birdwatching during Mass Bird Migration in Estonia
Thousands of birds come to Estonia's meadows, bogs, and islands in mid-May

Tocororo (Cuban Trogon) Breeding Season
National bird of Cuba resembles the colors of the Cuban flag

Due to its geographical location Georgia boasts best birding destinations of the world

Turkey lies on a migration route of many birds making their journey between Europe and Africa. Amazing birds complete unique Cappadocian landscape with their colour and beauty

Doñana National Park
One of the largest wetlands in Europe with around 50 hectares of protected land

Birdwatching in Kopacki Rit
Exciting birdwatching on one of the largest wetlands in Europe

Birdwatching in Ernest E. Debs Park
This kingdom of birds is a delight to any nature fan

Barnacle Geese
These tri-coloured birds are numerous in Scotland—they bark as if they were dogs and are believed to have originated from mollusks in Scottish folklore

Autumn Migration
Birds flocks break the night silence with their farewell cries during the autumn migration

With its distinctive seasons, diverse terrains, and various plants, Beijing is home to different bird species

Dolphin Watching
These playful creatures swim near the boats of tourists, demonstrating a real circus show in the water

An immense seasonal wetland in south-central Brazil gives shelter to thousands of rare species

Birdwatching at Wetlands and Riverbanks
The wetlands of Madrid are home to a variety of waterfowl that gather around water in great numbers during dry summer months

Black-Necked Cranes
Black-necked cranes are the only alpine cranes in the world, and the largest number of these birds can be found on the Tibetan plateau

Jerusalem Bird Observatory (JBO)
A unique park and research station right in the heart of Jerusalem

Tibetan Bunting
One of the rarest bird species in the world is observed and studied in Tibet since little is known about their lifestyle

Plenty of birds all year round could be watched in Costa Rica, however, bird migrations are the real highlight

National Bird Watching Month
Explore the wonderful feathered species of Sri Lanka during a special birding event

Rare and endangered, bright and colourful, and amazing at dancing and singing—birds in Bhutan posses all imaginable characteristics and varieties

Monkey Puzzle Seeds
Soft starchy seeds have been feeding humans, rodents and birds since Jurassic Period

A giant variety of bird species living in diverse natural habitats promises a great experience for birdwatchers

Great Snipe
Eager males attract females' attention performing a polyphonic mating song

Keoladeo National Park and Sarovar Bird Sanctuary are perfect for birdwatchers and other nature lovers

Twittering of colorful birds fills Malagasy rainforests

Breeding and Nesting Sea Birds
Great Barrier Reef is great for underwater activities, but what happens above might be so much more exciting during summer!