
Best time to visit Sweden

Birdwatching in Sweden 2025

The rich variety of topographies of the Lulea archipelago attracts many different kinds of birds to Northern Scandinavia

Best time: March–May

Common Tern
Great crested grebe
White-tailed eagle

​Birds from around Eastern Europe and the Barents region including caspian tern, temminck's stint, red-necked grebe, velvet scoter, white-tailed eagle, and red-throated diver among many others love this large brackish water archipelago! Here you can find stony islands and cliffs, sandy beaches and forests, and of course many bird stations. The topography as well as the location makes Lulea archipelago a spot for diverse bird watching where you can find common and rare species alike.

Practical info

External resources

Find hotels and airbnbs near Birdwatching (Map)

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