
Best time to visit Mauritius

Birdwatching in Mauritius 2025-2026

An impressive variety of rarest birds can be found in the forests of Mauritius

Best time: March–December

Pink Pigeon
Mauritius Olive White-eye (Zosterops chloronothus)
Red-whiskered Bulbul

Mauritius is constantly working on the conservation of its fauna and today the island is the home for some of the world’s rarest birds. Mauritius kestrel, Pink Pigeon, Mauritius Cuckoo-Shrike, the Mauritius Bulbul, and Mauritius Olive White-Eye are only a few of the unique birds which can be found on the island.

The best places to see as many birds as possible at their natural habitat are the Black River Gorges National Park, Bassin Blanc, Le Petrin, andI le aux Aigrettes. You can go at any time, but avoid the cyclone season which runs from January to February.

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