
Best time to travel to Alaska

Birdwatching in Alaska 2025

Check out thousands of rare bird species, some of which can be seen only in Alaska. Visit the Pribilof Islands and meet them all!

Best time: May–June

Parakeet Auklet
Green Sandpiper
Semipalmated Sandpiper, North Slope Borough, Alaska
Gyrfalcon, North Slope Borough, Alaska
Red Necked Grebe & Chicks

Some very interesting birds inhabit the Alaskan lands. Here you can find puffins, red-necked grebes, barrow’s goldeneyes, auklets, sandpipers, gyrfalcons, and many others. Though you can see unique birds throughout all Alaska, the Pribilof Islands are famous for their incredible concentration of exotic birds. Ornithologists from around the world consider this place a perfect destination for birdwatching. The best period for viewing is from May to June, during a breeding season. At this time b​irds are the most active.

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