
Best time to travel to Tibet

Tibetan Bunting 2024-2025

One of the rarest bird species in the world is observed and studied in Tibet since little is known about their lifestyle

Best time: November–May

Tibetan Bunting in Nangqen Region, China
Tibetan Bunting in Nangqen Region, China

Tibetian buntings are one of those birds no one can tell you much about. That's because it can be found only in most remote habitats. Its home is located in a tiny part on the eastern edge of the Tibetian plateau. You can spot buntings among the rugged peaks and isolated valleys. Nowadays a bit more information can be found about buntings thanks to the constant observations.

This bird has a black and white head and chestnut-colored back. From November till May they descend to lower elevations to stay in warmer places. During winter months they feed on oats and various other grains, while in summer they prefer butterflies, grasshoppers, and other insects. Bunting nesting areas are located on the ground. Their main predators are owls, foxes, and weasels.

Practical info

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