
Best time to visit Athens

Birdwatching in Athens 2025

Herons, egrets, gulls, warblers, ducks, grebes, owls and​ other feathery fellows will delight your eyes and ears

Best time: April–May | September–October

Eagle, Schinias National Park
Northern Parula

Athens is a magnet not only for the connoisseurs of the ancient architecture and culture but for keen birders as well. One great area to spot a great feathery variety is Hymettus Mountain which is densely populated by a number of species including Turtle Doves, Short-toed Eagles, Rock Nuthatches, Red-rumped Swallows, Chukar, Hoopoes, Sombre Tits, Black-eared Wheatears, Blue Rock Thrushes, and other sophisticated names probably recognisable only by true birders. The mountainous forests also host a variety of swifts, warblers, and buntings. Some birds, like warblers, in particular, are recognisable by their beautiful chirping, although they are quite difficult to spot in person. Another birdwatching hotspot is Schinias National Park which has around 200 different bird species—both migratory and endemic. The variety is huge despite its relatively small area of 50 square km owing to the fact that it is divided into many different habitats. The target birds of this park include a variety of herons, a nu​mber of warblers, and many other colourful birds. The best season for birdwatching is spring, particularly early April through May when the first migration occurs. Another vibrant birding season can be observed during the autumnal migration from September through October.

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