Best time to travel to Cuba

Tocororo (Cuban Trogon) Breeding Season

National bird of Cuba resembles the colors of the Cuban flag

Best time: April–July

Tocororo (Cuban Trogon) Breeding Season
Tocororo (Cuban Trogon) Breeding Season
Tocororo (Cuban Trogon) Breeding Season

Cuban Trogon, known locally as the ‘Tocororo’ because of the 'toco-toco-tocoro-tocoro' repeated call, is the Cuba's national bird. Its red, white and blue colors resemble the country's national flag. Moreover, this species is endemic to Cuba, so it will be a great addition to your bird-watching list.

Tocororo can usually be spotted at all altitudes on the main island of Cuba and on the Isle of Youth in the places with forests and holes for breeding. The Cuban Trogon nests in natural cavities in trees or abandoned woodpecker’s nests. The breeding season usually lasts from April to July. Each couple lays three to four eggs in the spring. Both parents feed and rear the chicks.

Tocororos usually dine on fruits, berries, nectar, and insects. These birds have a secret power—they can hover mid-flight while feeding, flirting or mating. Well, its flying technique is quite impressive: birds tend to group or fly in pairs producing loud squawks while in the air. When in danger, tocororos send out a secret distress call, nearly impossible to be picked up by human's hearing.

Ancient cultures considered trogon a sign of good news or a better life ahead. Some people believed that seeing or hearing a tocororo meant a communication link with spiritual powers in promising a better future. So who knows, maybe you';; be lucky enough to spot or hear this unique bird in the forests of Cuba.

Practical info

When does the Cuban Trogon breed?

From April to July, the Cuban Trogon usually breeds. During breeding season, male birds compete by making loud squawks and flying. The species nests in natural cavities or abandoned woodpecker nests, and during spring, they lay around three to four eggs. The chicks are cared for and fed by both parents. Show more

In what areas of Cuba can the Tocororo bird be observed?

The Cuban Trogon birds are commonly found throughout Cuba at all elevations, including the Isle of Youth, in various places where there are cavities for breeding. Tocororos' indigenous habitats comprise evergreen forests and agroforestry systems of coffee, mango, and citrus. The bird's unique-colored feathers of blue, red, and white enable them to be easily seen in their natural surroundings. Show more

What is the diet of Cuban Trogon birds?

Cuban Trogon birds feed on fruits, berries, nectar, and insects. They help regenerate forests due to their characteristic diet. The birds, unlike others, can feed by hovering in mid-air, even during mating or flirting. They can also capture insects from the ground or by seizing them directly out of the air. Show more

Can the Cuban Trogon bird be seen year-round in Cuba?

Yes, the Cuban Trogon bird can be viewed year-round in various geographic areas throughout Cuba, including their native habitat. While fewer birds may be present during the off-breeding season, the Tocororos species remain relatively visible. However, it is advisable to visit Cuba during the breeding season, which is typically from April to July, to gain the best viewing opportunity of the bird species in Cuba's natural habitats. Show more

What is the Tocororo bird's significance in Cuban culture?

The Cuban Trogon bird holds cultural and national importance in Cuba. In addition to being the national bird of Cuba, the Tocororo is revered as a representation of freedom, symbolizing the relationship between Cuban people and nature. As such, Cuban Trogon appears on the country's coat of arms. According to African and Taíno folklore, the bird's dance-like movements and unique call were associated with communication with the gods, and killing the bird would bring bad luck. Show more

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