Best time to visit
61 things to do in Miami

Hurricane Season
Miami is one of the top three US cities, which suffer from the risk of a direct hit by a hurricane

Ultra Music Festival
Should you feel the urge for a wild dance, head to the world's premier electronic music festival

King Mango Strut Parade
The weirdest event you may ever see, but the one that will make you laugh and relax

Winter Party Festival
A huge six-day festival celebrating the LGBTQ community at the hottest winter destination—Miami Beach

Stone Crab Season
Taste one of the most delicious seasonal foods of Southeast Florida—you can even catch some yourself

Art Basel
Don't miss the chance to become a part of the art world for a week full of exciting events

Miami Marathon
Test your body and participate in the marathon, or come support the runners

Miami Broward Carnival
Be involved in the amazing rhythm and real carnival spirit of the Miami Broward Carnival. Enjoy the beauty and glory of everything you'll see!

The amazing amount of local and migratory birds make South Florida a great place for bird watchers

Blacktip and Spinner Sharks Migration
Tens of thousands of black shark fins just a few meters from the beach can scare the hell out of anyone

Holy Ship!
Don't miss your chance to take part in the world's wildest cruise with some of the best parties on board

Baby Alligators
If you are a fan of these huge reptiles, there are plenty of places here to observe them in the wild

Miami Cruise Month
A great chance for a dream cruise. The best prices and some free special deals await you during Cruise month

White Pelican Migration
When these professional hunters head to Florida from the northern states, local fish should stay alert

New Year's Eve at Bayfront Park
If you visit Miami during the winter holidays, don't miss the biggest New Year's Eve celebration around

Jai Alai Game
If you are looking for something weird and unique in Miami, this is it!

Scuba Diving and Snorkeling
You'll be amazed by the variety of diving sites and their unspeakable beauty

Miami International Boat Show
One of the greatest boat shows in the world takes place in Miami

Art Deco Weekend
Dive into the Art Deco era together with local enthusiasts during this three-day unique Miami-style soiree

Venetian Pool, Coral Gables
This is the world's largest swimming pool which is emptied and refilled with fresh water every day

Citrus Season
Florida is famous for its beautiful citrus groves and delicious fruits

Miami 4th of July Weekend Events & Fireworks
Spectacular fireworks over the ocean are worth a visit to Miami on Independence Day

Miami Music Week
Dance to the beats of a weeklong marathon of electronic dance music

Florida Renaissance Festival
Dress up as your favorite knight or lady and travel back in time

Miami Film Festival
This 10-day independent movie festival in South Florida gives a chance to meet celebrities and watch some great films

South Beach Wine & Food Festival
The most delicious of all Miami festivals

South Florida Fair
One of Florida’s oldest and largest community events

Christmas Lights in Miami
The art deco district and downtown are especially pretty during holiday season

Winter Equestrian Festival
An upscale seasonal entertainment in Wellington, south-east Florida

St. Patrick's Day in Miami
Pub crawls and festivals on the Irish National holiday

Tortuga Music Festival
Get loose with some big rock music stars at a white sandy Fort Lauderdale beach

Flogging Molly's Salty Dog Cruise
Take a Caribbean cruise of your dreams with lots of music and fun aboard

Loop Road Scenic Drive
Drive through dwarf cypress forest and spot lots of tropical fauna of Everglades

Memorial Day Weekend
A hot weekend with a military show, parties and free concerts

South Florida Garlic Fest
The premier food and entertainment festival in South Florida

Kiteboarding and Windsurfing
Hit the waves in Miami or other spots along the southeast coast of Florida

Halloween in Miami: Events, Parties & Festivals
Miami goes wild during Halloween

Tropical Fruit Season in Homestead
Try locally grown mango, lychee, papaya, and other exotic foods

The Seminole Hard Rock Winterfest Boat Parade
View a caravan of all-kind vessels decorated with intricate light displays

New Year's Eve in Key West
Unique ball-drop events and some of the biggest annual parties on the southernmost tip of the USA

Chinese New Year in Miami
Celebrate the first new moon with excellent food and entertainment in Miami

Our wee friends flock to the Sunshine State as eagerly as tourists do

Land Crab Migration
From time to time, land crabs invade backyards and streets in South Florida

Sandhill Cranes
Native to Florida, sandhill cranes can be observed year-round

New Year's Eve in Florida
From sun-drenched beach parties to raucous nightlife, Florida dazzles on New Year's Eve

Fort Lauderdale Air Show
A breathtaking air display above the ocean—enjoy it in person or virtually

Caribbean Cruises
You will fall in love with the sun-kissed countries of the Caribbean

Miami Beach Air & Sea Show
"The Greatest Show Above the Earth” showcases the U.S. military

Coconut Grove Arts Festival
The art event of the year in Miami-Dade County