Best time to visit
40 things to do in Cuba

Snorkeling and Diving
Visit Cuba's hidden gems for your best snorkeling experience

Catch the most shiny and strong fish off the fascinating Cuban coast

Surf Cuba off the eastern and northern coast

Romerias de Mayo
One of the most colourful, cheerful and authentic Cuban Christian celebrations in Holguin

Guava or Guayaba
Guava apple is a tropical and subtropical fruit, that has distinctive red colour of the flesh and bright green colour of the peel

Carnival of Santiago de Cuba
Country's most colorful and delightful carnival—the brightest jewel of Cuba's festivals

Cherimoya Season
Visit Cuba for cherimoya harvest time to taste one of the most delicious fruit ever

Day of the National Rebellion
One of the biggest public holidays in Cuba is celebrated for three days

Monarch Butterfly Migration
The famous Monarch butterflies migrate every year to warmer places, such as Cuba, to mature

Beach Season
The dry season is your best choice to enjoy the sun and the beach

Festival del Habano
Gathering of the tobacco-lovers from all over the world longing to try Cuba's original cigars

Avocado Season
Set off for your Cuba journey to taste the best of local avocado dishes

Tobacco Harvest
Get world's finest cigars from the very heart of world's tobacco industry

Caimito Season
A purple 'star' among the Cuban fruit that will become your ultimate love at first bite

International Havana Ballet Festival
Enjoy spectacular ballet performances that take place once in two years in Havana

Orquideario de Soroa
The Orchid Garden designated as a World Biosphere Reserve offers the stunning 20,000 plants of 700 orchid species

Tarpon Fly Fishing
A challenge for experienced fishermen, that requires much skill and knowledge

Marabana: Havana Marathon
Run through the streets of Havana and join the running history

Labour Day or Día de los Trabajadores
Visit Cuba for the holiday that reveals its socialist nature

Christmas in Cuba
Las Parrandas de Remedios Christmas festival in Cuba differs from the other Christmas celebrations around the world

Coffee Harvest
Sample one the most delicious, fragrant and fresh coffee on the planet

Cenote Diving, Snorkelling, and Swimming
Diving into majestic flooded caves is a special experience of the Caribbean

San Lazaro Pilgrimage
Witness the impressive and passionate pilgrimage happening annually at San Lazaro Church in the town of Rincón

Timbalaye Rumba Festival
Immerse in Cuban rhythms during the annual rumba fiesta

Trinidad Carnival | Fiestas Sanjuaneras
One of the brightest and most exuberant celebrations on the island

Easter Cross Procession in Trinidad
Easter religious procession with candles and music

Fiesta del Fuego (Festival del Caribe)
Burning of the devil and saluting Congo gods—this is one of the most colorful festivals in Cuba

Charangas de Bejucal
Beautiful illumination and music are the main highlights of this traditional fiesta

Tocororo (Cuban Trogon) Breeding Season
National bird of Cuba resembles the colors of the Cuban flag

Hiking Pico Turquino
Conquer Cuba's highest peak and learn more about the rebellion stories of Fidel and Che

Havana Jazz Festival
A marathon of Afro-Cuban jazz in historic Havana