Sandhill Cranes in Galveston, TX 2025-2026
The Texas Gulf Coast hosts thousands of sandhill cranes over winter months
Best time: late October–February
Sandhill crane is one of the oldest bird species on the planet and also one of the largest. With a height of 48 in (122 cm) and a wingspan around 80 in (200 cm), cranes can be easily spotted even from a distance and are recognizable thanks to a bright red spot on their forehead. Every fall, a large group of sandhill cranes arrives in Texas to spend winter by the warm Gulf of Mexico. Graceful birds can often be spotted on Galveston and Padre islands.
When to see sandhill cranes in Galveston
Sandhill cranes arrive in Galveston from their northern breeding grounds in the last week of October. They can usually be seen in wetlands from Galveston to Port Aransas. The Galveston Island Nature Tourism Council even holds a crane festival on the second weekend in December to celebrate the return of these beautiful birds.
Best places to spot sanhill cranes
Sweetwater Preserve
There used to be several roosting sites for sandhill cranes in Galveston. However, now they only roost at Sweetwater Preserve. Sweetwater has a viewing platform overlooking mud flats and West Galveston Bay. The preserve also has grasslands, freshwater ponds, and an impressive Sweetwater Lake, which currently suffers from erosion along the western shoreline The area is home to many wintering waterfowl, egrets, herons, and gulls.
Brazoria Wildlife Refuge
You can also head to Brazoria Wildlife Refuge, 45 mi (72 km) southwest of Galveston, to spot a larger group, as there are up to 1,000 birds roosting on the flooded rice fields in the southern part of the park. Brazoria boasts thousands of acres of coastal estuary that provide feeding grounds a large populations of wintering waterfowl. In addition to sandhill cranes, the preserve hosts over ten species of herons and egrets, white ibis, roseate spoonbill, mottled duck, white-tailed kite, clapper rail, horn lark, black skimmer and scissor-tailed flycatcher.
Padre Island National Seashore
From December, Sandhill Cranes can also be observed at Padre Island National Seashore, not far from Corpus Cristi. Padre Island National Seashore is home to 380 bird species, most of them migratory. Grasslands and marshlands are some of the best areas in the park to look for sandhill cranes and also various songbirds, and a resident family of crested caracaras.
Birdwatching Tips
Make sure to pack plenty of bird guides or download applications helping to identify birds. Visitor centers in the parks also have numerous resources about visiting bird species. High-quality binoculars are a must for any birdwatcher. It helps to get a better view from a distance. Zoom cameras are also useful while birding. Document your findings so you can identify them and share information!