
Best time to travel to Norway

Arctic Sea Ducks in Norway 2026

Norwegian arctic ducks amaze with their colors, vast numbers, and vocals

Best time: January–February

Nearly 1000 arctic ducks choose to winter in Båtsfjord harbour, situated in Varanger, not far from the fish factory. The most prominent and numerous are King Eiders. Though they have no crowns, the birds are distinguished by unique appearance: a red beak, a patch of bright yellow above, and green on the side make it look truly beautiful. Despite King Eiders prevalence in the harbour, there are also Common Eiders, Long-tailed Ducks, and some Steller's Eiders. The birds might be found around Varanger throughout winter up to April, but the best time to encounter sea ducks is late January and February, as then the sunlight starts gradually coming back to Norway, so the nights are not so deep dark any more, but rather blue instead, and the these birds become particularly vocal.

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