Best time to travel to Alaska

Sandhill Crane Migration in Alaska 2024

Alaska is among the most spectacular places to watch the sandhill crane migration

Best time: April–October | mid-August–September

Sandhill Crane Migration
Sandhill Crane Migration
Sandhill Crane Migration
A sandhill crane at Creamer's Field, Fairbanks
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Sandhill cranes are some of the oldest and most mobile birds in North America. Every year they cover large distances, flying from Alaska and Eastern Siberia to California, Florida and Mexico.

Alaska is lucky to have two populations of sandhill cranes that rarely mix. The so-called mid-continent population is the largest, numbering 500,000. These cranes arrive in Alaska to nest and can be spotted all over the state. The largest numbers of these sandhills can be observed during their annual migrations in April and late August. Several thousand sandhill cranes congregate at Creamer's Field Migratory Waterfowl Refuge near Fairbanks to gain weight and rest before their long flight. That's the best location to watch them. Fairbanks even holds the annual Sandhill Crane Festival every August to mark this unique time.

The second population of cranes migrates along the Pacific Coast. This group numbers to about 25,000 birds. They usually nest along the Alaska peninsula, Kodiak Island, and Upper Cook Inlet. In the fall, the Pacific population flies over coastal Alaska and stops to rest in the Copper River Delta and the Stikine River Delta in the southeastern part of the state. The second half of September is the best time to spot these birds in the largest numbers before they take off for California.

Practical info

When can sandhill cranes be seen in Alaska?

From April to October, sandhill cranes can be observed in Alaska. The peak migration period of sandhill cranes in Alaska is from mid-August to September. At this time, there is a higher concentration of sandhill cranes in specific parts of the state where they gather to rest before continuing their journey south. Show more

What is the ideal spot to witness the sandhill crane migration in Alaska?

The best spot to witness the sandhill crane migration in Alaska is at Creamer's Field Migratory Waterfowl Refuge located close to Fairbanks. This location serves as a temporary resting place for numerous sandhill cranes that gather here to gain weight and rest before continuing their journey south. Every August, festivities are held in Fairbanks to commemorate this remarkable time with the annual Sandhill Crane Festival. Show more

How many sandhill cranes arrive in Alaska for nesting?

Around 500,000 sandhill cranes from the mid-continent population arrive in Alaska to nest. An additional population of 25,000 sandhill cranes migrates along the Pacific Coast, nestling along the Alaska peninsula, Kodiak Island, and Upper Cook Inlet. These birds can be seen throughout the state in their nesting places. Show more

How do the features of the Pacific sandhill cranes compare to those of the mid-continent population?

The Pacific sandhill cranes differ primarily in their nesting place and migration route from the mid-continent population. While the mid-continent population arrives in Alaska to nest and can be observed all over the state, the Pacific species nest along the Alaska peninsula, Kodiak Island, and Upper Cook Inlet. On their migratory journey, the Pacific group stops to rest in the Copper River Delta and the Stikine River Delta in the southeastern part of the state. Show more

What's the significance of the Fairbanks' Sandhill Crane Festival?

The Fairbanks' Sandhill Crane Festival is held every August on the occasion of the sandhill cranes' peak migration season. This event provides people with the opportunity to see this incredible occurrence. Each festival comes with activities such as guided nature walks and wildlife talks to observe and educate visitors about the sandhill cranes' behavior and habitat. It is an excellent occasion for nature lovers and bird enthusiasts alike. Show more

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