Best time to go to Kenya

New Year's Lamu Dhow Race 2025 in Kenya

Witness the ancient dhow race in Kenya during the New Year's celebration

Dates: January 1

New Year's Lamu Dhow Race
New Year's Lamu Dhow Race
New Year's Lamu Dhow Race
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New Year's Lamu Dhow Race occurs on Shela Beach, Lamu island yearly on January 1. As a highlight of New Year celebrations and the most prestigious race of the year, the dhow competition attracts dozens of local watermen along with hundreds of curious spectators. Other festivities feature parties that last all the way into the night.

A Dhow is an ancient handmade Arab boat constructed of local mangroves, wood, and fabric. The boats look amazing when sailing with African winds in the waters of the Indian ocean.

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