Best time to travel to Kenya

Tea Growing Season in Kenya 2024-2025

Kenya is one of the best tea growing regions with a swirl of volcanic taste.

Best time: October–December | March–June

Tea Growing Season
Tea Growing Season
Tea Growing Season
Tea Growing Season

Astride the equator, with 1500 and 2700 metres above the sea level, Kenyan highland tea plantations are situated on both sides of Great Rift Valley, including areas around Mt. Kenya, Mau escarpment, Nandi and Kisii Highlands and the Aberdares. The harvest can be collected all year round, but the peak times coincide with the rain seasons, giving the tea its renown freshness and edge. This invigorating drink is a favourite for Kenyans. They love it with plenty of sugar and milk, the style called Chai. Visit the tea farms around Mt. Kenya for the most spectacular sights, or take a tour to Limuru Tea farm, just outside Nairobi, to see the process of making tea while enjoying your walk in beautiful tea gardens.

Practical info

When can tea be collected in Kenya?

Tea production in Kenya is an all-year-round activity that has two peak times that coincide with the rainy seasons. A visit to Kenyan tea estates can be done in October-December or from March to June when the tea has just been harvested from the lush gardens, and it has a unique flavour popular worldwide. Show more

Which are the popular regions with tea plantations in Kenya?

The Kenyan highland tea estates are in different parts of the country, like the Mau escarpment, areas around Mount Kenya, Kisii Highlands, and Aberdares, on both sides of the Great Rift Valley. Limuru Tea Farm is also a popular option as one of the oldest farms, located near Nairobi, where visitors can take tours to learn about the tea-making process and enjoy the beauty of the lush vegetation. Show more

What gives Kenyan tea its unique and full-bodied flavour?

Kenyan tea has a distinct, full-bodied, and robust flavour because of several factors such as the tea plantations' location at high altitudes, volcanic soil, and favourable climate conditions. The tea's strong roots rely on a consistent water supply from the melting glaciers on Mount Kenya to enhance the tea's quality. The tea is hand-plucked using the top two leaves and a bud, resulting in a premium taste that tea lovers globally appreciate. Show more

Where can one observe the tea-making process in Kenya?

Apart from the Limuru Tea Farm just outside Nairobi, the Kisii Highlands and Nandi Highland tea estates are other popular areas that provide tourists with an opportunity to watch the tea-making process. Visitors can enjoy a pleasant stroll in the tea gardens and witness the intricate value of tea production in Kenya. This includes hand-plucking the tea leaves, observing the tea processing stages, and ultimately seeing the exportation process of Kenyan tea worldwide. Show more

What season is best to tour Kenyan tea farms?

The ideal time to visit Kenyan tea estates is during the tea harvest seasons, which is in March to June and from October to December when the lush gardens are at their best. Visitors can see the tea-making process, from hand-plucking the leaves, tea processing, to the point of exportation. Tasting freshly harvested tea is a highlight of the visit that tourists anticipate experiencing during their trips to Kenyan tea farms. Show more

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