
Lavender Fields in Bloom
One of the first things that come to mind when you think of Provence is a magnificent lavender field

Rice Terraces
Visit iconic lush green rice paddies where farming is still done the same way it was hundreds of years ago

Tea Harvest
Sri Lanka is well known for its suberb tea, which is the main agricultural crop in many provinces

Rice Harvest
As it goes in a famous Chinese saying 'If you want to have a happy life, eat rice every day'

Coffee Harvest
There is never too much coffee. Indulge in Guatemala's best during the harvest festivities

Napa Valley Harvest Season
Watch Napa Valley come to life with the thrill and rush of the harvest

Rice Farming Season (Planting and Harvesting)
Rice plantations may be the best place to experience the local lifestyle

Rice Harvest Season
The mountainous district Mu Cang Chai is located at 1,000 meters above the sea level and offers some spectacular scenery during the rice harvest season

Lanzarote Volcanic Vineyards
The easternmost of the Canary Islands strikes by its moon-like landscape and unexpectedly lush vineyards

Cranberry Harvest
In the middle of fall, plain low-growing cranberry vines transform into exuberant red bogs

Sea Salt Harvesting
Sea salt is still prized for its flavour and texture, which is considered by some serious food lovers to be superior to the more common mined table salt

Salt Harvest at Salinas de Maras
See thousands of salt terraces placed high in the mountains in the Sacred Valley of Incas

Tobacco Harvest
Get world's finest cigars from the very heart of world's tobacco industry

Wisconsin Cranberry Harvest
Cranberry Country welcomes everyone to visit the harvest celebrations

Rice Harvest
Myanmar is considered the sixth-largest rice-producing country in the world.

Orange Harvest
Drink orange juice and eat as much fruit as you can during your Canarian vacations

Rice Harvest
Learn the story of rice—where it grows and how it is manually harvested in Bhutan

Saffron Harvest
Kashmir's variety of this most expensive and precious spice is considered to be premium quality

Persimmon Harvest and Gotgam Making
Fresh juicy persimmon is good, but dried fruit ('gotgam') might appeal to you even more

Saffron Harvest
Join locals in the great 3,000-year-old tradition of harvesting the world's most expensive spice

Cranberry Harvest
Visit the red fruit carpet rolling—an extraordinary harvest on water

Salt Harvest
Discover the ancient tradition of salt gathering near the historic town of Piran in Sečovlje

Tea Plantations and Pulled Tea
Black, green, Oolong, teh tarik—try various sorts of tea in Malaysia

Tea Growing Season
Kenya is one of the best tea growing regions with a swirl of volcanic taste.

Spice Harvest and Tours
Clove, cinnamon, turmeric, nutmeg, lemon grass, vanilla, black pepper, cardamom, saffron... This wonderful aroma spreads through the whole island!

Hay Harvest
The scent of fresh hay spreads over Romanian fields spotted with countless haystacks

Saffron Harvest
Kozani Krokos Saffron from Greece is recognised as some of the finest in the world

Nepal Tea Harvest Season
Nepal may not be the most famous tea producer, but the taste of this country's tea is unique and fresh