
Best weather to visit Norway

Winter in Norway 2024-2025

Northern Lights, Christmas lights and "blue hours" fill the season with magic

Best time: December, January, February

Early winter is hardly enjoyable, as it is really dark. The only thing that saves from this darkness is snow. But it doesn’t help at this time of year, for snow doesn’t last for long—storms and rainfalls wash it down. The temperatures are quite low, occasional Polar Lights represent a possible seasonal grace, but overall the only sure delight of the season must be Christmas celebration.

Starting from New Year, there is no more gloomy darkness. Polar nights haven’t disappeared anywhere, but there is no complete blackout anymore. Snow is rather helpful. Rain storms do not bother Norway any longer, and steady snow coverage reflects some far sunlight. Everyone names this charming afternoon phenomenon “blue hours”. So dry, frosty, and snowy January is another peak season among tourists who come to enjoy Norway through numerous winter sports available across the country. The lucky ones might catch a glimpse of stunning Polar Lights. And determined wildlife seekers may find lots of interesting Arctic species.

In February, nothing changes much comparing with the previous month. Winter sports and winter wildlife watching abounds. Blue hours are last observed in early February, and Polar Night season is over. Every following day brings more light. The temperatures remain far below zero, and snow is splendid during that period of the year.