
Best time to visit Quebec

Dog Sledding in Quebec 2025-2026

As soon as winter begins in Quebec, dog sledding is practiced in every corner of the region

Best time: December–March

Plenty of parks around Quebec City, Montreal, the Saguenay region, and the opposite side of St. Lawrence River offer trips from one hour to a few days with your own team of huskies. This Nordic adventure is possible in the period from December till March or even longer depending on weather conditions.

All the Malamute and Husky sled dogs are treated very nicely, which is why they are so friendly, playful, and energetic. Whether you want to try to guide the sled or just sit back, you will still enjoy this amazing outdoor experience.

Every winter visitors can explore the unforgettable feeling of freedom while crossing trails covered with snow. Travelers can continue the trip with an optional overnight stay in the forest, taste warming winter drinks, and see gorgeous frozen landscapes.

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